O INSPER E ESTE REPOSITÓRIO NÃO DETÊM OS DIREITOS DE USO E REPRODUÇÃO DOS CONTEÚDOS AQUI REGISTRADOS. É RESPONSABILIDADE DOS USUÁRIOS INDIVIDUAIS VERIFICAR OS USOS PERMITIDOS NA FONTE ORIGINAL, RESPEITANDO-SE OS DIREITOS DE AUTOR OU EDITORANDREA MARIA ACCIOLY FONSECA MINARDIGUILHERME FOWLER DE AVILA MONTEIROPenno, Luiz2022-08-032022-08-032018https://repositorio.insper.edu.br/handle/11224/3851We investigate the different forms of entrepreneurial governance in private equity investments in emerging markets. Our research design is a multi-case, inductive study that uses field data to assess the full cycle of private equity investment in forty companies. We find that private equity firms can adopt four distinct entrepreneurial governance structures along two main dimensions: minority versus majority investments and active versus passive investor role. We analyze the main characteristics of these governance structures and discuss the main drivers that influence its adoption. Overall, our central contribution is enlarging the study of private equity governance in fragile institutional environments.36 p.DigitalInglêsprivate equityentrepreneurial governanceemerging marketcorporate governanceEntrepreneurial Governance in Private Equity Investments: an Emerging Market Perspectiveconference paper