O INSPER E ESTE REPOSITÓRIO NÃO DETÊM OS DIREITOS DE USO E REPRODUÇÃO DOS CONTEÚDOS AQUI REGISTRADOS. É RESPONSABILIDADE DOS USUÁRIOS INDIVIDUAIS VERIFICAR OS USOS PERMITIDOS NA FONTE ORIGINAL, RESPEITANDO-SE OS DIREITOS DE AUTOR OU EDITORANDREA MARIA ACCIOLY FONSECA MINARDIADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO2022-08-032022-08-032018https://repositorio.insper.edu.br/handle/11224/3857Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) investors have been allocating more capital to emerging markets. Although this increases the learning and knowledge transfer, it also raises concern if the PE/VC firms are shorthanded to absorb this growth. We investigate the impact of growth on the performance of Brazilian PE/VC industry. The results indicate that the number of deals simultaneously managed reduces the probability of total loss. However, when we exclude total losses, we find that a higher number of deals affects the performance of PE deals negatively, but that this is not the case for VC.22 p.DigitalInglêsPrivate EquityVenture CapitalPerformance DeterminantsPrivate Equity and Venture Capital Growth and Performance in Brazilconference paper