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  • Artigo Científico
    A review of computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer: Toward the detection of subtle signs
    (2007) Rangayyan, Rangaraj M.; FABIO JOSE AYRES; Desautels, J.E. Leo
    Mammography is the best available tool for screening for the early detection of breast cancer. Mammographic screening has been shown to be effective in reducing breast cancer mortality rates: screening programs have reduced mortality rates by 30–70%. Mammograms are difficult to interpret, especially in the screening context. The sensitivity of screening mammography is affected by image quality and the radiologist's level of expertise. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) technology can improve the performance of radiologists, by increasing sensitivity to rates comparable to those obtained by double reading, in a cost-effective manner. Current research is directed toward the development of digital imaging and image analysis systems that can detect mammographic features, classify them, and provide visual prompts to the radiologist. Radiologists would like the ability to change the contrast of a mammogram, either manually or with pre-selected settings. Computer techniques for detecting, classifying, and annotating diagnostic features on the images would be desirable. This paper presents an overview of digital image processing and pattern analysis techniques to address several areas in CAD of breast cancer, including: contrast enhancement, detection and analysis of calcifications, detection and analysis of masses and tumors, analysis of bilateral asymmetry, and detection of architectural distortion. Although a few commercial CAD systems have been released, the detection of subtle signs of breast cancer such as global bilateral asymmetry and focal architectural distortion remains a difficult problem. We present some of our recent works on the development of image processing and pattern analysis techniques for these applications.
  • Artigo Científico
    Gabor filters and phase portraits for the detection of architectural distortion in mammograms
    (2006) Rangayyan, Rangaraj M.; FABIO JOSE AYRES
    Segmentation of the tumor in neuroblastoma is complicated by the fact that the mass is almost Always heterogeneous in nature; furthermore, viable Architectural distortion is a subtle abnormality in mammograms, and a source of overlooking errors by radiologists. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) techniques can improve the performance of radiologists in detecting masses and calcifications; however, most CAD systems have not been designed to detect architectural distortion. We present a new method to detect and localise architectural distortion by analysing the oriented texture in mammograms. A bank of Gabor filters is used to obtain the orientation field of the given mammogram. The curvilinear structures (CLS) of interest (spicules and fibrous tissue) are separated from confounding structures (pectoral muscle edge, parenchymal tissue edges, breast boundary, and noise). The selected core CLS pixels and the orientation field are filtered and downsampled, to reduce noise and also to reduce the computational effort required by the subsequent methods. The downsampled orientation field is analysed to produce three phase portrait maps: node, saddle, and spiral. The node map is further analysed in order to detect the sites of architectural distortion. The method was tested with 19 mammograms containing architectural distortion. In a preliminary experiment, a sensitivity of 84% was obtained at 7.8 false positives per image.