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Artigo Científico Going viral on advertising YouTube video: detecting the influences(2023) GIULIANA ISABELLA; Melo, Andressa Freitas de; Gonzalez, Marcela CarvalhoThis research aims to identify the key characteristics that influence viewers to watch and share ads.- How Songs from Growing Up and Viewers’ Attachment Styles Affect Video Ads’ Effectiveness(2022) Lourenço, Carlos J. S.; GIULIANA ISABELLA; Verbeke, Willem; Vo, Khoi; Dimoka, Angelika; Bagozzi, Richard P.We propose that the positive effect of coming-of-age songs on ad effectiveness arises from a mediation process where the music-evoked interpersonal memories of growing up stored in the brain and their accompanying emotions inevitably play a role, but not so straightforwardly as previously suggested. Rather, their effects work through the heightened familiarity of and peaked preferences for coming-of-age songs. We also propose that these sequentially mediated effects are moderated by viewers' developmental attachment styles. We test and find support for these propositions in three multimethod studies with more than 1200 participants born between the 40s and the mid-70s and almost 60 popular songs released between the 60s and the 2010s. We discuss the implications of our findings, namely for age-segmented video ads, and suggest future research directions.
Artigo Científico Investigando as estratégias de respostas quanto ao boca a boca negativo on-line(2020) Fernandes, Roberta Duarte; GIULIANA ISABELLAA era digital modificou a forma como as empresas se comunicam e interagem com seus consumidores e intensificou a influência do boca a boca negativo na reputação das marcas. O presente artigo investiga quais estratégias de respostas estão sendo empregadas pelas empresas para proteger a reputação organizacional no ambiente on-line. Para atingir o objetivo do estudo, duas coletas de dados foram realizadas. A primeira consistiu na realização de 10 entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores de marcas para levantar as estratégias utilizadas para minimizar o boca a boca negativo nas mídias sociais. A segunda foi feita com a coleta de conteúdo das marcas geridas pelas agências disponível nas mídias sociais com o intuito de verificar a presença de outras estratégias além das comentadas. Como principal resultado, observam-se situações em que as empresas preferem se desculpar, ocultar a mensagem, responder inbox ou simplesmente ignorar os comentários negativos dos consumidores.Artigo Científico Promotions in action: classifying promotional activities from consumers' perspective(2020) Anauate, Patricia Montagna; GIULIANA ISABELLA; CARLA SOFIA DIAS MOREIRA RAMOSObjective: To investigate the perception and classification criteria of different sales promotions types undertaking consumers' point of view. Method: After analyzing literature and gathering market data, primary data was obtained with an online questionnaire and systematically analyzed with the interpretation and search for patterns in the data. This process enabled the identification of core themes or classification forms of sales promotions adopted by consumers. Originality/Relevance: This article brings a new perspective to the classification of different promotion types, presenting an analysis from consumers’ perpective whereas prior studies presented punctual and binary classifications, generally focusing on the results derived from promotions for the company. Results: A matrix with four groups of sales promotions was generated based on the two classification criteria most cited by consumers - type of benefit in terms of execution time (immediate or future) and whether there is a direct relationship with the product itself or not. Theoretical/ methodological contributions: This research consolidates into a single analysis several prior studies on the types, classification and effects of sales promotions, combining these different reflections in the literature and offering an understanding on the subject under the empirical perspective of consumers. Social contributions / contribution to management: This study contributes to the guidance of brand managers when developing marketing plans, more specifically the promotion strategyArtigo Científico The effect of facial expression on emotional contagion and product evaluation in print advertising(2020) GIULIANA ISABELLA; Vieira, Valter Afonso