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Artigo Científico Sustainable conditions for the development of renewable energy systems: A triple bottom line perspective(2021) VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Lerman, Laura Visintainer; Benitez, Guilherme Brittes; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang; Frank, Alejandro G.- Business Model Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals(2022) Rosati, Francesco; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Cosenz, Federico; Li-Ying, JasonBusiness model innovation can be a key driver to realizing the transformation needed to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, the SDGs can support organizations as they identify and tackle opportunities for business model innovation. This study uses a constructive research method to build a managerial approach that supports business model innovation for the SDGs. The approach helps organizations assess their contribution to the SDGs, explore and prioritize SDG-oriented business opportunities and risks, and formulate business model innovation strategies accordingly. The proposed approach was developed through participatory action research conducted in collaboration with two companies operating in the medical and educational sectors and then applied to Ørsted, a multinational power company, which is strongly committed to a sustainability-driven business transformation and aspires to contribute strongly to SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate action). The study furthers the academic and practical debate on business model innovation for sustainability by providing new academic and practical knowledge on how organizations can use the SDGs to stimulate business model innovations.
- Repair as a circular strategy for increasing resource availability and health system resilience during a crisis(2023) Cobra, Raphael; Moroni, Iara Tonissi; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Fradinho, Jorge M.S.Background Healthcare is a complex socio-technical system where nations regularly struggle with the misalignment between public needs and available resources. The advent of COVID-19 further exacerbated shortcomings, as evidenced by the global panic to find ventilators and beyond. However, the pandemic catalysed a successful Brazilian public-private voluntary partnership that united key industry players, industrial training centres and several volunteers, who, in the absence of a supportive government, could repair ventilators in record time, giving the health system means to succeed. Objectives Characterise how a voluntary public-private partnership came into existence and codify recommendations on how it effectively used repair as a circular strategy to increase ventilator availability and bolster health system resilience. Methods Case study using multiple data sources collected over 10 months, including national data, semi-structured interviews, daily reports, and internal communications. Sampling, research instruments, and subsequent qualitative data analysis and theory development grounded in repair strategy, resilience, and supply chain literature. Results A successful public-private voluntary partnership delivered 2,514 repaired ventilators, approximately 3% of the total ventilators in use in Brazil and impacting around 24,700 lives. Furthermore, effectively functioned as a first-responder bringing to hospitals approximately 500 repaired units as early as April 2020, surpassing the government's procurement and doing so just-in-time for Brazil's COVID 1st wave. More than 70 institutions and 700 professionals helped hospitals in 25 out of 27 Brazilian states. This case documents how the initiative persevered through adversity, including inadequate policies representing a widespread difficulty in enforcing the “right to repair”. Public interest summary In Brazil, automakers, the National Industrial Training Service and other organisations formed a voluntary and temporary alliance to repair broken ventilators that had accumulated in hospitals. This initiative took place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and returned 2,514 ventilators to hospitals, supporting patient care and partially alleviating the shortage of ventilators. This repair depended on the training of technical staff who had never worked with health equipment before. In addition to training, there was a need to share information and manuals, calibrate repaired equipment, procure spare parts, organise logistics and find funding, amongst other activities, meaning that it was a wide scale operation involving several organisations - both within and outside the health system. This research demonstrates the role of ventilator repair in making a health system more resilient in the event of a health emergency, and the urgent need to develop strategies to make repair an everyday commitment.
Trabalho de Evento Does your strategy withstand the test of time? A dynamic theory-based view of strategy(2021) VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES- The benefits and barriers of additive manufacturing for circular economy: A framework proposal(2023) Tavares, Thais Moreira; Ganga, Gilberto Miller Devós; Godinho Filho, Moacir; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUESAccording to preliminary research, additive manufacturing (AM) is a promising technology for developing circular material flow. However, the impact of AM on the circular economy (CE) is unclear. To address this issue, this study proposes a framework that presents the benefits and barriers of AM for CE. This framework is valuable for generating a new path for AM production and restructuring the supply chain. This study uses a multi-method research approach to propose this framework. (i) Secondary qualitative data were used to find the best way to categorise the results; (ii) literature review was applied to understand how the phenomenon of AM adoption meets or does not meet CE requirements; and (iii) interviews with experts were conducted to evaluate the results. The findings help to systematically highlight the benefits and barriers of AM for the CE and provide a research agenda that identifies specific actions that AM stakeholders should take to align with the CE. The broader potential of AM as a beneficial technology for CE is contingent on overcoming the identified critical barriers, and the economic viability of circular AM activities. The findings could be relevant because they clearly show how AM technology brings companies and society closer to or farther from CE.
Artigo Científico Analysis of national policies for Circular Economy transitions: Modelling and simulating the Brazilian industrial agreement for electrical and electronic equipment(2022) Guzzo, Daniel; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Pigosso, Daniela Cristina Antelmi; Mascarenhas, JanainaArtigo Científico Alternativas para salvar vidas em favelas durante a pandemia: a contribuição da dinâmica de sistemas(2020) VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Chaves, Gisele Lorena Diniz; Oliveira, Igor Czermainski de; Viegas, Cláudia Viviane; Aquino, Ellen Larissa de CarvalhoA pandemia relacionada à infeção pelo novo coronavírus (COVID-19) tem desafiado o mundo pela rápida contaminação. Medidas de prevenção e controle tentam poupar os sistemas de saúde. No Brasil, populações vivendo em favelas carecem de condições para o necessário isolamento social e não contam com saneamento básico. Este estudo descreve a mobilização voluntária de pesquisadores que adotaram a Dinâmica de Sistemas (DS) para simular diferentes alternativas de prevenção à COVID-19, como: remoção temporária de moradores de favelas, oferta de produtos de higiene, estimativa de cobertura de saneamento e possibilidade de ampliação de leitos de Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo (UTIs). Como resultados, cinco estratégias foram listadas, em cenários otimista e pessimista para cada uma, estimando-se o número de vidas potencialmente salvas, dias sem UTI e número máximo de pessoas aguardando leito de UTI. Conclui-se que a DS é uma abordagem adequada para subsidiar políticas públicas e tomada de decisão em cenários complexos junto às comunidades envolvidas.Artigo Científico Pandemic responses in vulnerable communities: a simulationoriented approach(2020) VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Oliveira, Igor Czermainski de; Chaves, Gisele de Lorena Diniz; Aquino, Ellen Larissa de Carvalho; Viegas, Cláudia VivianePopulações vivendo em favelas no Brasil enfrentam ainda mais vulnerabilidade com o advento da COVID-19, já que para elas o isolamento social é uma tarefa difícil. Além disso, esses locais carecem de saneamento e condições de higiene, que são requisitos importantes para controlar a pandemia. Este artigo propõe o uso de Dinâmica de Sistemas para apoiar decisões de políticas públicas relativas a medidas para aliviar os efeitos negativos da disseminação do vírus baseado em medidas definidas a partir do trabalho do movimento social “Favelas Contra o Corona”. O modelo proposto avalia a efetividade de estratégias e conjuntos de políticas que envolvem: transferência temporária da população da favela, suprimento de produtos de higiene, estruturas emergenciais de saneamento e expansão de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Os resultados apresentam o impacto de cada uma das estratégias. Entretanto, somente a combinação adequada de medida traz resultados significativos sobre o número de mortes evitadas e à disponibilidade de leitos de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva para a população.- Access to fresh food in vulnerable urban areas: a classificatory study of slums and formal establishments in São Paulo(2024) ANDRÉ LUIS DE CASTRO MOURA DUARTE; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Alves, Raquel Carolinne Freitas; Oliveira, Gustavo Magalhães deThe environment significantly influences individuals’ food choices. Vulnerable urban areas, such as favelas, can have a decisive impact on discouraging the consumption of fresh, nutritionally rich foods. This issue is exacerbated by the urban infrastructure required to deliver fresh foods to these locations. Therefore, it is essential to understand the context of the favelas in the municipality of São Paulo in terms of the food environment and infrastructure to support the design of public policies that enhance the presence of minimally processed foods in these areas. We applied the k-means clustering method to two datasets: the food environment of favelas, characterized by food establishments, and the urban infrastructure of the favelas in the municipality of São Paulo. Of the city’s 1,701 favelas, only 271 have formally registered food establishments. Larger favelas with better urban infrastructure generally exhibited a food environment with greater access to fresh foods. The results suggest that investing in urban infrastructure can increase access to fresh foods in these areas. It is also necessary to consider local specificities to find effective solutions that increase the availability of minimally processed foods, thereby improving the population’s quality of life and health.
Capítulo de Livro Alternative proteins: organization of the agri-food system and sustainability outcomes(2023) BRUNO VARELLA MIRANDA; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUESEverybody is talking about alternative proteins. And yet, we do not know much about the socioeconomic implications of the emergence and consolidation of the alternative proteins market. In part, the gap in our knowledge is justifiable: alternative proteins represent a tiny slice of the market, and some of the most expected technological breakthroughs are still to materialize. On the other hand, the mere interest in the alternative proteins industry is a powerful driver of economic, environmental, and social changes which may deeply affect the future of traditional agriculture. Helping to shed light on this emerging industry, we discuss the relationship between the development of an alternative proteins market and sustainability outcomes in the economic, environmental, and social areas. We adopt a governance perspective, discussing first on the relationships among the many players within the alternative proteins agri-food system and then on the interactions in the broader competitive and institutional environment. We are particularly interested in outlining potential friction points and insights for research hypotheses