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Artigo Científico Are There Cross-Cultural Legal Principles? Modal Reasoning Uncovers Procedural Constraints on Law(2021) Tobia, Kevin P.; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Donelson, Raff; Dranseika, Vilius; Kneer, Markus; Strohmaier, Niek; Bystranowski, Piotr; Dolinina, Kristina; Janik, Bartosz; Keo, Sothie; Lauraityt, Egle; Liefgreen, Alice; Próchnicki, Maciej; Rosas, Alejandro; Hannikainen, Ivar R.Despite pervasive variation in the content of laws, legal theorists and anthropologists have arguedthat laws share certain abstract features and even speculated that law may be a human universal. Inthe present report, we evaluate this thesis through an experiment administered in 11 different coun-tries. Are there cross-cultural principles of law? In a between-subjects design, participants (N = 3,054)were asked whether there could be laws that violate certain procedural principles (e.g., laws applied retrospectively or unintelligible laws), and also whether there are any such laws. Confirming our pre-registered prediction, people reported that such laws cannot exist, but also (paradoxically) that there aresuch laws. These results document cross-culturally and –linguistically robust beliefs about the conceptof law which defy people’s grasp of how legal systems function in practice.Capítulo de Livro The Experimental Jurisprudence of the Concept of Rule: Implications for the Hart-Fuller Debate(2023) GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Struchiner, Noel; Hannikainen, Ivar R.Artigo Científico A dual character theory of law(2024) GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDAOne persistent question in jurisprudence relates to the role of morality in the concept of law. For instance, consider the question of whether unjust statutes are laws. Legal positivists say that they’re laws in every relevant sense, while natural lawyers say that they’re not. This article considers a different answer inspired by recent findings in experimental philosophy: there is one relevant sense in which unjust statutes are laws, but also a different relevant sense in which they aren’t. After considering the ways in which this alternative differs from some of the mainstream theories in general jurisprudence, the article argues that it provides more elegant solutions to two problems that have puzzled legal philosophers in the past: the paradox of customary international law and the shifts in legal discourse over history.Artigo Científico Do Formalist Judges Abide By Their Abstract Principles? A Two-Country Study in Adjudication(2021) Bystranowski, Piotr; Janik, Bartosz; Próchnicki, Maciej; Hannikainen, Ivar Rodriguez; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Struchiner, NoelRecent literature in experimental philosophy has postulated the existence of the abstract/concrete paradox (ACP): the tendency to activate inconsistent intuitions (and generate inconsistent judgment) depending on whether a problem to be analyzed is framed in abstract terms or is described as a concrete case. One recent study supports the thesis that this effect influences judicial decision-making, including decision-making by professional judges, in areas such as interpretation of constitutional principles and application of clear-cut rules. Here, following the existing literature in legal theory, we argue that the susceptibility to such an effect might depend on whether decision-makers operate in a legal system characterized by the formalist or particularist approach to legal interpretation, with formalist systems being less susceptible to the effect. To test this hypothesis, we compare the results of experimental studies on ACP run on samples from two countries differing in legal culture: Poland and Brazil. The lack of significant differences between those results (also for professional legal decision-makers) suggests that ACP is a robust effect in the legal context.- Uma Estratégia de Treinamento de Diretores Baseada em Dados(2022) Ragazzo, Carlos Emmanuel Joppert; Guilherme da Franca Couto Fernandes de Almeida; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDANeste artigo, descreve-se uma proposta para enfrentar o problema de equidade dentro de grandes redes municipais de ensino. Acredita-se que um programa de treinamento de diretores que use uma estratégia de mentoria entre pares seja capaz de melhorar o desempenho das escolas que apresentam consistentemente os piores resultados. Para defender a proposta, discuti-se experiências internacionais, trabalhos recentes que identificam pares de escolas geograficamente próximas, mas com desempenhos discrepantes e reporta-se os resultados de análises empíricas inéditas que revelam diferenças sistemáticas entre os diretores das escolas com performance boa e os diretores de escolas em risco.
- VI Relatório Supremo em Números: a realidade do Supremo Criminal(2019) Falcão, Joaquim; Batini, Silvana; IVAR ALBERTO GLASHERSTER MARTINS LANGE HARTMANN; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA
- Extracting value from Brazilian Court decisions(2022) Fernandes, William Paulo Ducca; Frajhof, Isabella Zalcberg; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Rodrigues, Ariane Moraes Bueno; Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira; Konder, Carlos Nelson; Nasser, Rafael Barbosa; Carvalho, Gustavo Robichez de; Lopes, Hélio Côrtes VieiraWe propose a methodology to extract value from Brazilian Court decisions to support judges and lawyers in their decision-making. We instantiate our methodology in one information system we have developed. Such system (i) extracts plaintiff’s legal claims and each specific provision on legal opinions enacted by lower and Appellate Courts, and (ii) connects each legal claim with the corresponding judicial provision. The information system presents the results through visualizations. Information Extraction for legal texts has been previously approached in the literature for different languages, using different methods. Our proposal is different from previous work, since our corpora comprise Brazilian lower and Appellate Court decisions, in which we look for a set of plaintiff’s legal claims and judicial provisions commonly judged by the Court. We use the following methods to tackle the information extraction tasks: Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory network; Conditional Random Fields; and a combination of Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory network and Conditional Random Fields. In addition to the well-known distributed representation of words in word embeddings, we use character-level representation of words in character embeddings. We have built three corpora – Kauane Insurance Report, Kauane Insurance Lower, and Kauane Insurance Upper – to train and evaluate the system, using public data from the State Court of Rio de Janeiro. Our methods achieved good quality for Kauane Insurance Lower and Kauane Insurance Upper, and promising results for Kauane Insurance Report.
Livro Primeira Infância no Poder Judiciário(2023) Berriel, Cecilia Machado; IVAR ALBERTO GLASHERSTER MARTINS LANGE HARTMANN; Marpin, Ábia; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Abbas, Lorena; Maia, Natália de Oliveira; Fabris, LigiaReconhecendo a importância do período de 0 a 6 anos de idade, o Marco Legal da Primeira Infância (MLPI) trata dos princípios e diretrizes para a elaboração de políticas públicas específicas para essa fase do desenvolvimento humano. Também estabelece alterações relevantes em outras normas já existentes, como o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT) e o Código de Processo Penal (CPP), com vistas a privilegiar o melhor interesse da criança. Este livro reúne os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a aplicação do MLPI em tribunais brasileiros que buscou responder, em uma perspectiva quantitativa: qual foi o impacto dessa norma sobre as decisões judiciais? E, em uma perspectiva qualitativa, quais as percepções de atores que trabalham no sistema de justiça sobre essa lei e suas possíveis implicações para a prática judicial.- Demandas repetitivas(2019) IVAR ALBERTO GLASHERSTER MARTINS LANGE HARTMANN; Pinheiro Júnior, Fausto Marques; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Araújo, Felipe; Correia Júnior, Fernando; Silva, Abner da
Capítulo de Livro What Do We Mean by Precedent? Empirical Evidence of Ordinary Usage(2022) Andrade, Priscila C. de; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Hannikainen, Ivar R.; Struchiner, NoelLegal theorists disagree about the nature of precedent. In a purely descriptive sense, what does it mean to say that a particular case sets a precedent? Does it (a) establish a rule that is deductively applied to subsequent cases (the deductive view), or (b) trace a relevant dimension of factual resemblance between the source case and subsequent cases by analogy (the analogical view)? To answer these questions, we conducted a series of three studies on the matter. In Study 1, we documented people’s tendency to adopt the analogical interpretation over the deductive one. Theorists have also debated whether, normatively, judges ought to apply precedents deductively or analogically—with some arguing that the analogical view affords excessive discretionary power. Yet, the results of Studies 2 and 3 undermine this claim: While participants did indeed infer more specific rules than analogical features (Study 2), the generality of analogical interpretation was not driven by the opportunity to treat prior cases as precedents (Study 3). These findings suggest that the analogical view is prevalent among the folk, while undermining some of the normative arguments against it.