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3 resultados
Resultados de Busca
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Artigo Científico TTO’s staff and technology transfer: examining the effect of employees’ individual capabilities(2021) THIAGO JOSE CYSNEIROS CAVALCANTI SOARES; Torkomian, Ana Lúcia VitaleArtigo Científico TTO’s human capital and technology transfer: examining staff’s experience and educational background(2019) THIAGO JOSE CYSNEIROS CAVALCANTI SOARES; Torkomian, Ana Lúcia Vitale; Nagano, Marcelo S.Artigo Científico University regulations, regional development and technology transfer: the case of Brazil(2020) THIAGO JOSE CYSNEIROS CAVALCANTI SOARES; Torkomian, Ana Lúcia Vitale; Nagano, Marcelo Seido