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Artigo Científico Capital structure determinants of private and public firms in an emerging economy: a panel data quantile regression analysis(2024) ADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO; Sanvicente, Antonio Zoratto; Bortoluzzo, Maurício MesquitaPurpose This study explores distinct capital structure patterns between private and public companies, examining the varying influence of determinants on debt choices contingent upon a firm’s existing debt position. Design/methodology/approach Employing annual data from 2012 to 2022 for 142 public firms and 660 private firms in a large emerging economy, we use quantile regression within a panel data framework to study the heterogeneous effects of debt determinants, incorporating firm and time random effects. Findings Our findings indicate that such factors as size and operating margin contribute to higher levels of debt, while investment opportunities reduce the debt level. Further analyses, when accounting for a firm’s likelihood of being publicly traded, reveal that dividend payout and operating margin significantly influence debt levels, exclusively in the presence of high debt proportions. Conversely, investment opportunities emerge as a substantial determinant in all debt scenarios. In addition, we found a strong persistence in the indebtedness of companies, and we conclude that the effect of the determinants of indebtedness is heterogeneous according to the level of debt of companies. Originality/value This research provides a comprehensive comparison between private and public firms, not only in terms of debt levels but also in key capital structure determinants, highlighting their significance within the context of varying debt levels.Trabalho de Evento Capital Structure Determinants Of Financially Constrained And Unconstrained Firms(2017) Sanvicente, Antonio Zoratto; ADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO; Bortoluzzo, Mauricio MesquitaArtigo Científico Inter-temporal CAPM: an empirical test with Brazilian market data(2013) Machado, Octavio Portolano; ADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO; Martins, Sérgio Ricardo; Sanvicente, Antonio ZorattoO artigo examina a validade empírica do Inter-temporal Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) com o uso de dados do mercado brasileiro. É empregada a metodologia de Bali e Engle (2010), com a estimação de covariâncias condicionais entre retornos de carteiras de ações e fatores de precificação. As covariâncias são a seguir utilizadas como variáveis explicativas na equação de precificação. Os resultados confirmam o modelo para o período de 1988 a 2012. O coeficiente de aversão a risco é positivo e significante, e os fatores relevantes são taxas de juros e de inflação, além do preço do ouro. O oposto ocorre com a taxa de câmbio. A quebra do período de estudo em subperíodos indica que eventos importantes, como mudanças de regime econômico e a crise de 2008 têm o poder de modificar as associações encontradas e enfraquecer a validade do modelo.