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  • Artigo Científico
    (Re)organising for interaction within innovation networks – an exploratory study in the public sector
    (2013) CARLA SOFIA DIAS MOREIRA RAMOS; Espelid, Theodor Sommersten; Corsaro, Daniela; Henneberg, Stephan C.
    Issues around innovation have seen considerable increase of academic and managerial interest over the last decades. In parallel, the role of business relationships and networks has also attracted growing attention. Consequently, the concept of innovation networks (INs) is positioned at the interface of these two streams. At the core of the concept of INs is the proposition that relationships, i.e. interactions with other business partners, are critical for key innovation activities. However, research on INs has focused mostly on network structure-related aspects, while not providing enough insights into the processes of organising for interactions. In particular, this study explores the role of actors’ perceptions and interpretations regarding business relationships on how actors organise for innovation activities. Furthermore, this paper sheds light on the reciprocal influence that exists between cognition and action in such contexts, something that has been discussed in the field of organisational and cognitive science but not within innovation networks setting as part of business marketing studies. Longitudinal exploratory case study research was conducted, which analyses two ser vice innovation processes in an innovation network in a district within a municipality of a North European country. Our study shows how INs evolve over time as actors shape (and reshape) the network through specific interactions within and between realms of the IN, whereby the diverse views held by different actors are confronted. In particular, we find that perceptions and interpretations of power distribution and strength of relationships emerge as relevant aspects to determine actors’ intentions toward organising both in the innovation development and the implementation phases. At the same time, the changes (such as initiation, development, and termination) in the relationships with other actors, actor groups, or realms of the IN affect the actors’ interpretations, thereby generat ing a recursive interpretative path through which the innovation network is shaped.
  • Artigo Científico
    Understanding network picture complexity: an empirical analysis of contextual factors
    (2012) CARLA SOFIA DIAS MOREIRA RAMOS; Henneberg, Stephan C.; Naudé, Peter
    There has recently been increasing interest in the relationship between managers' perceptions of their surroundings and their interactions with other actors. This sense-making issue is linked to the development of the concept of network pictures. Our paper investigates a hitherto neglected aspect of network pictures: their complexity. In several bodies of literature, complexity has been found to affect firms' action and performance. We theoretically derive a model of network picture complexity, which is then used to analyze forty-seven network pictures collected in seventeen companies from two distinct networks. Complexity is assessed on a number of dimensions at the individual, and organizational levels. We show the relationship between complexity and an individual manager's characteristics (number of years in a company, as well as experience in internally or externally oriented functions). We also provide evidence for a relationship between cognitive complexity and the number of years a company has been established in business, and the complexity of companies' internal structures. In doing so, this article contributes to a better understanding of the contextual factors that drive sense-making in business networks.
  • Artigo Científico
    Sense-making in business markets – the interplay between cognition, action and outcomes
    (2015) CARLA SOFIA DIAS MOREIRA RAMOS; Mattsson, Lars Gunnar; Corsaro, Daniela
    Business markets are characterized by interdependences between business actors. How these actors make sense of such interdependencies is a matter of both theoretical and practical importance. Research on cognitive foun dations for competition in business markets, based on organization and strategic management, has evolved con siderably since the 1980s. Also, researchers on business markets that are based on marketing and adopt a network perspective, have become increasingly interested in cognition and sense-making over the last two de cades. The concepts network pictures and network understanding have been in focus for this research, which has resulted in a demand for improved clarity of the interplay between cognition, action and outcome, as well as for a stronger integration between parallel research developments from related disciplines and research ap proaches. A better understanding of how individual and collective views are developed is also required. This Spe cial Issue, originated in the network perspective of business markets, is aimed to address these issues.