Gerenciamento de Recursos Multicloud com Controle de Custos, KPIs e Segurança Cibernética
Avelino, Rodolfo da Silva
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Este projeto visa abordar o desafio crítico de gerenciar efetivamente os gastos e a
segurança em ambientes multicloud, nos quais a utilização de serviços em nuvem de diferentes
provedores é comum. Dessa forma, por meio da parceria entre a instituição de ensino Insper e
a empresa PinPag, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma solução abrangente que seja
capaz de monitorar e controlar os custos de serviços, recursos e projetos em múltiplos
ambientes, além de monitorar vulnerabilidades, ataques e ocorrências registradas de acordo
com o padrão de segurança PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). A solução
será implementada através de um dashboard centralizado que consolidará todas as informações
da infraestrutura da empresa parceira, de tal forma que os custos, anomalias e outliers sejam
visualizados com granularidade. Isso será feito por meio de indicadores-chave de desempenho
(KPIs, em inglês: Key Performance Indicators) e ferramentas das nuvens para processar e
armazenar esses dados. Sendo assim, a abordagem multidimensional desse projeto abrange
tanto o aspecto financeiro, ajudando a manter os gastos dentro do orçamento, quanto a
segurança dos dados e sistemas relacionados, garantindo um monitoramento do sistema contra
This project aims to address the critical challenge of effectively managing expenditures in multicloud environments, where the use of cloud services from different providers is common. Through a partnership between the educational institution Insper and the company PinPag, this endeavor seeks to present a wide-ranging solution capable of monitoring and controlling the services costs, resources and projects across multiple environments, as well as monitoring vulnerabilities, attacks and incidents recorded according to the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). The solution will be implemented through a centered dashboard that consolidates all the information about the partner company’s infrastructure, allowing for granular visualization of costs, anomalies and outliers. This will be achieved through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and cloud tools for processing and storing this data. Therefore, the multidimensional approach of this project encompasses both the financial aspect, assisting in keeping expenditures within budget, and the security of related data and systems, ensuring continuous monitoring for potential threats.
This project aims to address the critical challenge of effectively managing expenditures in multicloud environments, where the use of cloud services from different providers is common. Through a partnership between the educational institution Insper and the company PinPag, this endeavor seeks to present a wide-ranging solution capable of monitoring and controlling the services costs, resources and projects across multiple environments, as well as monitoring vulnerabilities, attacks and incidents recorded according to the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). The solution will be implemented through a centered dashboard that consolidates all the information about the partner company’s infrastructure, allowing for granular visualization of costs, anomalies and outliers. This will be achieved through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and cloud tools for processing and storing this data. Therefore, the multidimensional approach of this project encompasses both the financial aspect, assisting in keeping expenditures within budget, and the security of related data and systems, ensuring continuous monitoring for potential threats.
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Projeto realizado para a empresa PinPag - Mentor na empresa: Avner Machado
Membros da banca
Avelino, Rodolfo da Silva
Vidal, Maciel Calebe
Hashimoto, Marcelo
Área do Conhecimento CNPQ