Impactos da guerra Russo-Ucraniana na economia mundial
Damas, Roberto Dumas
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O objetivo desse trabalho é o de observar os impactos que atingiram as principais
economias do mundo em recorrência da invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia ocorrida dia 24 de
fevereiro de 2022. Será retratado todo contexto cultura, histórico e geopolítico que compõem a
relação entre Ucrânia e Rússia de forma a mostrar que ambos os países começaram a entrar em
atrito após o colapso da União Soviética. Os dados coletados mostraram que antes do início do
conflito, a Europa, Reino Unido e China são consideravelmente dependentes da Rússia e
Ucrânia para a importação de commodities energéticas, agrícolas e metálicas, com destaque
para a grande dependência energética dos países da União Europeia com a Rússia. O paper irá
analisar, via correlação de Pearson, quais foram os impactos das variações de preços das
commodities com 1) índices e inflação globais, 2) índices de PMIs, 3) moedas e 4) Índices
acionários. O resultado esperado é de aumento dos índices inflacionários, queda nos PMIs e
volatilidade nos índices acionários e de moedas.
The objective of this work is to observe the impacts that hit the main economies of the world as a result of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia that took place on February 24, 2022. The entire cultural, historical and geopolitical context that makes up the relationship between Ukraine and Russia will be portrayed. to show that both countries began to clash after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The data collected showed that before the beginning of the conflict, Europe, the United Kingdom, and China are considerably dependent on Russia and Ukraine for the import of energy, agricultural and metallic commodities, with emphasis on the great energy dependence of the European Union countries with Russia. The paper will analyze, via Pearson's correlation, what were the impacts of commodity price changes with 1) global indices and inflation, 2) PMIs indices, 3) currencies and 4) stock indices. The expected result is an increase in inflation rates, a drop in PMIs, and volatility in equity indices and FX.
The objective of this work is to observe the impacts that hit the main economies of the world as a result of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia that took place on February 24, 2022. The entire cultural, historical and geopolitical context that makes up the relationship between Ukraine and Russia will be portrayed. to show that both countries began to clash after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The data collected showed that before the beginning of the conflict, Europe, the United Kingdom, and China are considerably dependent on Russia and Ukraine for the import of energy, agricultural and metallic commodities, with emphasis on the great energy dependence of the European Union countries with Russia. The paper will analyze, via Pearson's correlation, what were the impacts of commodity price changes with 1) global indices and inflation, 2) PMIs indices, 3) currencies and 4) stock indices. The expected result is an increase in inflation rates, a drop in PMIs, and volatility in equity indices and FX.
Guerra; Rússia; Ucrânia; EUA; União Europeia; Reino Unido; Canadá; China; Brasil; Commodities; Petróleo; Gás Natural; Carvão; Trigo; Minério de Ferro; Fertilizantes; Inflação; PMI; Índices acionários; War; Russia; Ukraine; USA; European Union; UK; Canada; China; Brazil; Commodities; Petroleum; Natural gas; Coal. Wheat; Iron Ore; Fertilizers; Inflation; PMI; Stock indices
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