Impacto da crise da covid-19 no risco e performance da indústria de fundos de investimento: evidência do mercado acionário brasileiro
Ribeiro, Paulo Sérgio Oliveira
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Este estudo buscou analisar 360 de fundos de ações brasileiros durante a crise da
covid-19, mais especificamente se a performance dos fundos ajustada pelo risco e a
exposição ao risco de mercado foram sistematicamente modificadas em decorrência
da crise da covid-19. Verificamos se os gestores, alterando a sensitividade do Beta,
conseguem obter uma melhor performance durante uma crise aguda nos mercados
financeiros. Usando dados diários em painel, utilizamos a análise de retorno anormal
pré-Covid e pós-Covid, assim como observamos as variáveis em janelas móveis de
tempo. Os testes empíricos demonstram que os gestores alteram a sensibilidade à
carteira de mercado, aumentando a exposição durante o período de crise, ainda que
esta estratégia não seja suficiente para manter o retorno ajustado ao risco prévio à
This study sought to analyze 360 Brazilian equity funds during the Covid-19 crisis. More specifically, whether the performance of risk-adjusted funds and exposure to market risk were systematically modified because of the Covid-19 crisis. We verified whether fund managers, by changing the sensitivity of the Beta, manage to obtain a better performance during an acute crisis in the financial markets. Using daily panel data, we used pre-Covid and post-Covid abnormal return analysis as well as looking at variables in moving windows of time. Empirical tests demonstrate that managers change sensitivity to the market portfolio, increasing exposure during the crisis period, even though this strategy is not sufficient to maintain risk-adjusted returns prior to the pandemic.
This study sought to analyze 360 Brazilian equity funds during the Covid-19 crisis. More specifically, whether the performance of risk-adjusted funds and exposure to market risk were systematically modified because of the Covid-19 crisis. We verified whether fund managers, by changing the sensitivity of the Beta, manage to obtain a better performance during an acute crisis in the financial markets. Using daily panel data, we used pre-Covid and post-Covid abnormal return analysis as well as looking at variables in moving windows of time. Empirical tests demonstrate that managers change sensitivity to the market portfolio, increasing exposure during the crisis period, even though this strategy is not sufficient to maintain risk-adjusted returns prior to the pandemic.
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Membros da banca
Ribeiro, Paulo Sérgio Oliveira
Villani Júnior, Adhemar
Rochman, Ricardo Ratner
Área do Conhecimento CNPQ