Diferenças entre retornos contábeis e ajustados e suas implicações
Gonzales, Alexandre
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O presente trabalho aborda a importância da medição adequada dos retornos nas finanças
corporativas e avaliações de empresas. Ao longo dos anos, houve uma mudança na ênfase dada
aos "retornos excedentes" na determinação do valor de um negócio. A geração de fluxos de
caixa que excedam o custo do capital levantado é fundamental para a criação de valor para a
empresa. No entanto, medir esses retornos de forma precisa não é uma tarefa trivial. Este estudo
busca discutir as métricas de retorno contábeis e os possíveis ajustes propostos por Damodaran
(2007) e Mauboussin (2014) para obter medidas mais confiáveis. Os ajustes propostos visam
levar em consideração questões econômicas relevantes, como caixa, ágio de aquisições e custos
não recorrentes. A pesquisa compara as métricas contábeis tradicionais, como o retorno sobre
o capital investido (ROIC) e o retorno sobre o patrimônio líquido (ROE), com as métricas
ajustadas, analisando empresas americanas dos setores de varejo e software. A metodologia
adotada é descritiva e quantitativa, utilizando dados financeiros coletados de demonstrações
financeiras disponíveis publicamente. Os resultados obtidos destacam a diferença entre as
métricas contábeis e ajustadas, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão do desempenho
financeiro das empresas. Este estudo ressalta a importância de considerar os ajustes propostos
para obter medidas mais precisas e confiáveis dos retornos das empresas.
The present study addresses the importance of proper measurement of returns in corporate finance and company valuations. Over the years, there has been a shift in emphasis given to "excess returns" in determining the value of a business. Generating cash flows that exceed the cost of capital raised is fundamental for creating value for the company. However, measuring these returns accurately is not a trivial task. This study aims to discuss accounting return metrics and the potential adjustments proposed by Damodaran (2007) and Mauboussin (2014) to obtain more reliable measures. The proposed adjustments aim to take into account relevant economic issues such as cash, acquisition goodwill, and non-recurring costs. The research compares traditional accounting metrics such as return on invested capital (ROIC) and return on equity (ROE) with adjusted metrics, analyzing American companies in the retail and software sectors. The adopted methodology is descriptive and quantitative, using financial data collected from publicly available financial statements. The obtained results highlight the difference between accounting and adjusted metrics, contributing to a better understanding of the financial performance of companies. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the proposed adjustments to obtain more accurate and reliable measures of company returns.
The present study addresses the importance of proper measurement of returns in corporate finance and company valuations. Over the years, there has been a shift in emphasis given to "excess returns" in determining the value of a business. Generating cash flows that exceed the cost of capital raised is fundamental for creating value for the company. However, measuring these returns accurately is not a trivial task. This study aims to discuss accounting return metrics and the potential adjustments proposed by Damodaran (2007) and Mauboussin (2014) to obtain more reliable measures. The proposed adjustments aim to take into account relevant economic issues such as cash, acquisition goodwill, and non-recurring costs. The research compares traditional accounting metrics such as return on invested capital (ROIC) and return on equity (ROE) with adjusted metrics, analyzing American companies in the retail and software sectors. The adopted methodology is descriptive and quantitative, using financial data collected from publicly available financial statements. The obtained results highlight the difference between accounting and adjusted metrics, contributing to a better understanding of the financial performance of companies. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the proposed adjustments to obtain more accurate and reliable measures of company returns.
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