Stock splits e seus impactos na geração de retornos anormais para ações de empresas listadas
Okimura, Rodrigo Takashi
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Stock splits (ou, na língua portuguesa, desdobramento de ações) são eventos convocados
por empresas que possuem suas ações listadas no mercado acionário e consistem em uma
divisão da base acionária da companhia por um número maior de ações. Essa nova divisão
produz um cenário no qual os acionistas das empresas passam a deter um número maior
de ações, mas com um valor unitário menor. O chamado split ratio informa o grau de
desdobramento que está sendo proposto pelos executivos da companhia, sendo
representado no mercado pelo seguinte código: número de ações pré-split : número de
ações pós-split (1:2, 1:5, 1:10, por exemplo). Entre os diversos motivos que podem
motivar a realização desse tipo de operação por parte de uma empresa, um deles é
difundido como o principal catalisador: o aumento da liquidez das ações da empresa na
Bolsa de Valores, dados os menores preços unitários das ações (fato que, potencialmente,
favorece a atração de novos investidores).
Nesse contexto, uma pesquisa que englobe estudos provenientes de diferentes mercados
globalmente e apresente os resultados, teorias e metodologia específicos a cada um deles
se mostra relevante na discussão da temática, que se enquadra como um tópico de
interesse dentro do universo de finanças e mercados financeiros.
Stock splits are events convened by companies that have their shares listed in the stock market and consist in a division of the company's share base into a greater number of shares. This new division creates a scenario in which the companies` shareholders hold a larger number of shares, but with a lower unit value. The so-called split ratio informs the degree of splitting being proposed by the company's executives, and is represented in the market by the following code: number of shares pre-split : number of shares post-split (1:2, 1:5, 1:10, for example). 5Among the various reasons that may motivate a company to carry out this type of operation, one is widely recognized as the main catalyst: increasing the liquidity of the company's shares in the stock market, given the lower unit prices of the shares (which potentially attracts new investors). In this context, research that encompasses studies from different markets globally and presents specific results, theories, and methodologies for each of them is relevant in the discussion of this topic, which falls within the realm of finance and financial markets.
Stock splits are events convened by companies that have their shares listed in the stock market and consist in a division of the company's share base into a greater number of shares. This new division creates a scenario in which the companies` shareholders hold a larger number of shares, but with a lower unit value. The so-called split ratio informs the degree of splitting being proposed by the company's executives, and is represented in the market by the following code: number of shares pre-split : number of shares post-split (1:2, 1:5, 1:10, for example). 5Among the various reasons that may motivate a company to carry out this type of operation, one is widely recognized as the main catalyst: increasing the liquidity of the company's shares in the stock market, given the lower unit prices of the shares (which potentially attracts new investors). In this context, research that encompasses studies from different markets globally and presents specific results, theories, and methodologies for each of them is relevant in the discussion of this topic, which falls within the realm of finance and financial markets.
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