Empreendedorismo Feminino de Baixa renda: Quando o Negócio é a Privacidade
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Objetivo do caso: proporcionar discussões sobre os desafios de gestão enfrentados por empreendedores no início de suas operações, considerando, também, diferentes modelos de negócio no varejo.
Metodologia/abordagem: caso de ensino em Administração, baseado em um empreendimento real, iniciado em uma incubadora de negócios.
Principais resultados: a InSense, negócio desenvolvido pela Grazi, uma empreendedora de baixa renda, passa por uma série de desafios de gestão, frente ao crescimento da empresa, a saber: o preconceito associado à sua linha de produtos, a baixa confiabilidade de seus parceiros logísticos e a crescente concorrência chinesa, majoritariamente formada por produtos de baixo preço e de baixa qualidade. Tais adversidades, aliadas à falta de experiência gerencial da empreendedora e ao emergente conflito de canais de vendas, levaram-na a avaliar a necessidade de reformular o modelo de negócio da empresa.
Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: desenvolver no aluno(a) a capacidade de resolver problemas de gestão, de média e alta complexidade, no que diz respeito a um empreendimento com potencial de crescimento escalável.
Relevância/originalidade: o caso permite discussões relevantes acerca das estratégias de comércio eletrônico, de soluções logísticas, de enfrentamento da concorrência chinesa, de fornecimento e de canais de vendas.
Contribuições sociais/para a gestão: ajudar estudantes a enfrentar as dificuldades do processo inicial de empreender, observando as peculiaridades que envolvem a gestão de um negócio em desenvolvimento.
Objective of the case: to fosterdiscussions about the management challenges faced by entrepreneurs at the beginning of their operativos, taking into consideration various retail business models. Methodology/approach:a case study for administration teaching purposes based on a real-life venture engendered in a business incubator. Main results:InSense, a business developed by Grazi, a low-income entrepreneur, faces a number of management challenges as the company grows, namely: prejudice associated to its line of products, poor reliability of logistics partners and burgeoning Chinese competition offering low priced, poor quality products. Those adversities, coupled with the entrepreneur's lack of managerialexperienceand the emerging sales channel conflict, led her to assess the need to reshape the business model. Theoretical/methodological contributions: develop the student’s capacity to solve management problems of high and medium complexity in the context of a venture with potential for scalable growth. Relevance/originality:the case fosters discussion regarding electronic commerce strategies, logistics solutions, confrontation of the Chinese competition, supply and sales channels. Social/management contributions:to help students appreciate the difficulties of the initial process of entrepreneurship by looking at the peculiarities surrounding running a developing business.
Objective of the case: to fosterdiscussions about the management challenges faced by entrepreneurs at the beginning of their operativos, taking into consideration various retail business models. Methodology/approach:a case study for administration teaching purposes based on a real-life venture engendered in a business incubator. Main results:InSense, a business developed by Grazi, a low-income entrepreneur, faces a number of management challenges as the company grows, namely: prejudice associated to its line of products, poor reliability of logistics partners and burgeoning Chinese competition offering low priced, poor quality products. Those adversities, coupled with the entrepreneur's lack of managerialexperienceand the emerging sales channel conflict, led her to assess the need to reshape the business model. Theoretical/methodological contributions: develop the student’s capacity to solve management problems of high and medium complexity in the context of a venture with potential for scalable growth. Relevance/originality:the case fosters discussion regarding electronic commerce strategies, logistics solutions, confrontation of the Chinese competition, supply and sales channels. Social/management contributions:to help students appreciate the difficulties of the initial process of entrepreneurship by looking at the peculiarities surrounding running a developing business.
Titulo de periódico
REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal
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Estudo de caso.
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