Configurações de ecossistemas empreendedores de sucesso no Brasil
Kirschbaum, Charles
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Muito já se estudou no meio científico a relação entre o empreendedorismo e a
economia de um país, com a maioria desses trabalhos chegando à conclusão de
que o primeiro afeta positivamente o segundo. Em estudos mais aprofundados,
acadêmicos foram atrás de fatores que afetam o sucesso do empreendedorismo
em uma região, como por exemplo Infraestrutura, Capital Humano e Capital
Financeiro. Apesar desses estudos trazerem conclusões muito benéficas para
tomadores de decisão relacionados a esse mercado, pouco se sabe sobre as
interdependências entre essas variáveis. Para se avaliar um ecossistema
empreendedor (EE) como um todo, é preciso uma análise que leva em
consideração diversas variáveis ao mesmo tempo, e não apenas como uma
única variável afeta esse ecossistema.
Estudos feitos mundo afora chegaram a conclusões muito relevantes para o
entendimento dos ecossistemas empreendedores de sucesso e quais fatores
são cruciais para atingirem esse status. O trabalho em questão tem como
objetivo replicar no Brasil, de forma semelhante, estudos feitos na China e na
Europa. É de extrema importância que um país grande como o Brasil não tenha
apenas suas maiores cidades, como São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Belo Horizonte,
sendo levadas em consideração ao se estudar o empreendedorismo no país.
Para fazer essa análise, o método de QCA (Análise por Comparação
Qualitativa), foi utilizado. Essa técnica permite com que informações
quantitativas e qualitativas sejam levadas em consideração e, analisando as
interdependências entre elementos que afetam o EE, chegar a combinações que
geram um alto nível de empreendedorismo.
Much has been studied in the scientific community about the relationship between entrepreneurship and a country's economy, with most of these studies concluding that the former positively impacts the latter. In more in-depth research, scholars have sought to identify factors that affect the success of entrepreneurship in a region, such as Infrastructure, Human Capital, and Financial Capital. Although these studies have provided valuable insights for decision-makers in this field, little is known about the interdependencies among these variables. To assess an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) as a whole, an analysis that considers multiple variables simultaneously is necessary, rather than viewing the ecosystem as being influenced by a single variable. Studies conducted worldwide have yielded highly relevant conclusions for understanding successful entrepreneurial ecosystems and identifying the crucial factors for achieving such status. The objective of this work is to replicate, in a similar manner, studies conducted in China and Europe within the Brazilian context. It is of utmost importance that a large country like Brazil does not solely rely on its major cities, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte, when studying entrepreneurship in the country. The QCA method (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) is used to conduct this analysis. This technique allows for the consideration of both quantitative and qualitative information, and by analyzing the interdependencies among elements that affect the EE, it can identify combinations that lead to a high level of entrepreneurship.
Much has been studied in the scientific community about the relationship between entrepreneurship and a country's economy, with most of these studies concluding that the former positively impacts the latter. In more in-depth research, scholars have sought to identify factors that affect the success of entrepreneurship in a region, such as Infrastructure, Human Capital, and Financial Capital. Although these studies have provided valuable insights for decision-makers in this field, little is known about the interdependencies among these variables. To assess an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) as a whole, an analysis that considers multiple variables simultaneously is necessary, rather than viewing the ecosystem as being influenced by a single variable. Studies conducted worldwide have yielded highly relevant conclusions for understanding successful entrepreneurial ecosystems and identifying the crucial factors for achieving such status. The objective of this work is to replicate, in a similar manner, studies conducted in China and Europe within the Brazilian context. It is of utmost importance that a large country like Brazil does not solely rely on its major cities, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte, when studying entrepreneurship in the country. The QCA method (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) is used to conduct this analysis. This technique allows for the consideration of both quantitative and qualitative information, and by analyzing the interdependencies among elements that affect the EE, it can identify combinations that lead to a high level of entrepreneurship.
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