Promovendo o desempenho educacional via melhorias na gestão escolar : o caso do Programa Jovem de Futuro
Carvalho, Mirela de
Franco, Samuel
Garcia, Beatriz Silva
Henriques, Ricardo
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O desempenho educacional brasileiro é inquestionavelmente limitado, mesmo quando comparado ao de países com o mesmo gasto por estudante. Esse fraco desempenho decorre, em grande medida, de um uso inadequado dos recursos disponíveis. Diante do desafio, o Instituto Unibanco desenvolveu o Jovem de Futuro, programa voltado à melhoria da gestão escolar, adotado ao longo da última década por 3 mil escolas públicas de onze redes estaduais. Este estudo estima, por meio de um desenho experimental, o impacto desse programa sobre a proficiência dos estudantes ao final da 3a série do ensino médio. Os resultados encontrados indicam um impacto estatisticamente significativo de 10% de um desvio-padrão, robusto entre redes de ensino e ao longo do tempo. Impactos dessa magnitude estão em linha com os encontrados em avaliações similares realizadas internacionalmente e equivalem ao ganho em proficiência que um estudante alcança ao longo de um ano letivo do ensino médio. Esta avaliação demonstra que é possível desenhar e implementar programas capazes de transformar a gestão de escolas públicas e contribuir para o enfrentamento das graves deficiências educacionais do país.
Educational performance in Brazil is unquestionably limited, even when compared to countries with the same expenditure per student. This weak performance occurs, largely, to an inappropriate use of the available resources. In order to address this challenge, Instituto Unibanco developed Jovem de Futuro: a program focused on improving school management, adopted throughout the last decade by three thousand schools from eleven state school networks. This study estimates, through an experimental design, the impact of such Program on the proficiency of students at the end of 3rd grade of High School (which corresponds to the final grade of High School in Brazil). The results found show a statistically significant impact of 10% from a standard deviation, which is robust between the different teaching networks and throughout time. Impacts of this magnitude are aligned with the findings of similar evaluations carried out internationally and are equivalent to the gain in proficiency that a student reaches throughout one school year in High School. This evaluation demonstrates that it is possible to design and implement programs that can transform the management of public schools and contribute to facing the severe educational flaws in the country
Educational performance in Brazil is unquestionably limited, even when compared to countries with the same expenditure per student. This weak performance occurs, largely, to an inappropriate use of the available resources. In order to address this challenge, Instituto Unibanco developed Jovem de Futuro: a program focused on improving school management, adopted throughout the last decade by three thousand schools from eleven state school networks. This study estimates, through an experimental design, the impact of such Program on the proficiency of students at the end of 3rd grade of High School (which corresponds to the final grade of High School in Brazil). The results found show a statistically significant impact of 10% from a standard deviation, which is robust between the different teaching networks and throughout time. Impacts of this magnitude are aligned with the findings of similar evaluations carried out internationally and are equivalent to the gain in proficiency that a student reaches throughout one school year in High School. This evaluation demonstrates that it is possible to design and implement programs that can transform the management of public schools and contribute to facing the severe educational flaws in the country
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