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Artigo Científico Voting with the wallet: a principal-agent framework for the analysis of sustainable supply chains(2024) BRUNO VARELLA MIRANDA; GUILHERME FOWLER DE AVILA MONTEIRO; Oliveira, Gustavo Magalhães de; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUESPurpose – This paper aims to investigate delegation decisions in supply chains, exploring the metaphor that consumers who make environmentally and socially responsible choices are equivalent to voters in an election. Design/methodology/approach – This theoretical paper relies on the principles of agency theory to shed light on fundamental challenges that shape our ability to transform supply chains. Findings – This paper unravels two puzzles linked to delegation decisions within sustainable supply chains. It shows that as firms adopt sustainable production systems, their ability to convey relevant information that convinces consumers to enter in a delegation relationship diminishes, ceteris paribus; and once a delegation relationship is established, complementarity within the dimensions of the contract is necessary to guarantee the delivery of sustainability attributes. Research limitations/implications – The findings of this paper offer insights that can inspire empirical research on sustainable supply chain management. Practical implications – Policymakers and entrepreneurs willing to incentivize the transformation of supply chains must think about the nature of the relationship between firms and consumers. This paper provides a metaphor that can help practitioners to reinterpret their role as providers or consumers of products and services with sustainability attributes. Social implications – This paper provides insights that may enhance the understanding of how individual consumption decisions may contribute to transforming supply chains. Originality/value – This paper expands the repertoire of theoretical tools that can be applied to study the emergence and resilience of sustainable supply chains.Artigo Científico Seis vezes “onze ilhas”: os múltiplos sentidos de individualismo em interpretações sobre o STF(2024) DIEGO WERNECK ARGUELHES; LUIZ FERNANDO GOMES ESTEVESO Supremo Tribunal Federal é uma instituição “individualista”? Em três décadas de estudos acadêmicos e debates públicos, tem sido recorrente o tema de um tribunal tão dividido quanto o número de ministros, sintetizado em variadas imagens, das quais “onze ilhas” é a mais popular. Há menos consenso, na verdade, do que sugere o uso generalizado e recorrente dessa metáfora. Neste trabalho, identificamos ao menos seis sentidos possíveis de “individualismo” como chave de leitura e crítica do funcionamento do tribunal – alguns deles sobre a atuação dos(as) ministros(as) dentro do colegiado, outros enfocando essa atuação fora do processo decisório colegiado. Sem clareza quanto a essas diferentes leituras e suas condições específicas de sucesso como descrições do STF, a maleabilidade das imagens sobre a natureza ou funcionamento da instituição se torna problemática. Neste artigo, recorrendo duas décadas de trabalhos empíricos e normativos sobre o STF, pretendemos contribuir para diagnósticos sobre o funcionamento do tribunal por meio da reconstrução conceitual: (1) dos diferentes sentidos possíveis em que o Supremo pode ser “individualista”, (2) das diferentes condições de sucesso de trabalhos empíricos que pretendam testar hipóteses sobre cada uma dessas dimensões, e (3) dos diferentes aspectos de desenho institucional relacionados às distintas dimensões.Artigo Científico The impact of gestational weight gain on fetal and neonatal outcomes: the Araraquara Cohort Study(2024) Victor, Audêncio; Teles, Laísla de França da Silva; Aires, Isabel Oliveira; Carvalho, Leticia Falcão de; Luzia, Liania A.; Victor, Audêncio; Teles, Laísla de França da Silva; Rinaldo Artes; RINALDO ARTES; Rondó, Patrícia H.Background: Gestational weight gain (GWG) is an important indicator for monitoring maternal and fetal health. Objective: To evaluate the effect of GWG outside the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on fetal and neonatal outcomes. Study design A prospective cohort study with 1642 pregnant women selected from 2017 to 2023, with gestational age≤18 weeks and followed until delivery in the city of Araraquara, Southeast Brazil. The relationship between IOM recommended GWG and fetal outcomes (abdominal subcutaneous tissue thickness, arm and thigh subcutaneous tissue area and intrauterine growth restriction) and neonatal outcomes (percentage of fat mass, fat-free mass, birth weight and length, ponderal index, weight adequateness for gestational age by the Intergrowth curve, prematurity, and Apgar score) were investigated. Generalized Estimating Equations were used. Results: GWG below the IOM recommendations was associated with increased risks of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (aOR 1.61; 95% CI: 1.14–2.27), low birth weight (aOR 2.44; 95% CI: 1.85–3.21), and prematurity (aOR 2.35; 95% CI: 1.81–3.05), and lower chance of being Large for Gestational Age (LGA) (aOR 0.38; 95% CI: 0.28–0.54), with smaller arm subcutaneous tissue area (AST) (-7.99 g; 95% CI: -8.97 to -7.02), birth length (-0.76 cm; 95% CI: -1.03 to -0.49), and neonatal fat mass percentage (-0.85%; 95% CI: -1.12 to -0.58). Conversely, exceeding GWG guidelines increased the likelihood of LGA (aOR 1.53; 95% CI: 1.20–1.96), with lower 5th-minute Apgar score (aOR 0.42; 95% CI: 0.20–0.87), and increased birth weight (90.14 g; 95% CI: 53.30 to 126.99). Conclusion: Adherence to GWG recommendations is crucial, with deviations negatively impacting fetal health. Effective weight control strategies are imperative.Artigo Científico Alpha-maxmin as an aggregation of two selve(2024) Chateauneuf, Alain; JOSÉ HELENO FARO; Tallon, Jean-Marc; Vergopoulos, VassiliThis paper offers a novel perspective on the -maxmin model, taking its components as originating from distinct selves within the decision maker. Drawing from the notion of multiple selves prevalent in inter-temporal decision-making contexts, we present an aggregation approach where each self possesses its own preference relation. Contrary to existing interpretations, these selves are not merely a means to interpret the decision maker’s overall utility function but are considered as primitives. Through consistency requirements, we derive an -maxmin representation as an outcome of a convex combination of the preferences of two distinct selves. We first explore a setting involving objective information and then move on to a fully subjective derivation.Artigo Científico National Security Whistleblowing. Reflections on the Rationale for Exempting from Criminal Liability the Unauthorised Disclosure of Classified Information for the Purpose of Exposing State Wrongdoing(2024) Stoco, Tatiana de OliveiraThe disclosure of wrongdoings by whistleblowers is currently encouraged by numerous countries. However, when it comes to disclosures involving illegal state secrets in matters of national security, there is a very different legislative treatment worldwide. Whistleblowers who disclose classified information with the purpose of revealing wrongdoings are usually convicted for espionage or other re lated crimes, even if their disclosures are of great public interest. The purpose of this paper is to explain why the behaviour of such whistleblowers deserves a certain degree of leniency and how this could be legally implemented. First, the arguments for and against the disclosure of classified information will be presented. Next, the role that unauthorised disclosures of classified information play in the pursuit of state transparency will be addressed. Finally, the article will present the central arguments in favour of the legitimacy of this behaviour and analyse the legal alternatives for a complete or partial exemption from criminal liability.Artigo Científico A dual character theory of law(2024) GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDAOne persistent question in jurisprudence relates to the role of morality in the concept of law. For instance, consider the question of whether unjust statutes are laws. Legal positivists say that they’re laws in every relevant sense, while natural lawyers say that they’re not. This article considers a different answer inspired by recent findings in experimental philosophy: there is one relevant sense in which unjust statutes are laws, but also a different relevant sense in which they aren’t. After considering the ways in which this alternative differs from some of the mainstream theories in general jurisprudence, the article argues that it provides more elegant solutions to two problems that have puzzled legal philosophers in the past: the paradox of customary international law and the shifts in legal discourse over history.Artigo Científico Capital structure determinants of private and public firms in an emerging economy: a panel data quantile regression analysis(2024) ADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO; Sanvicente, Antonio Zoratto; Bortoluzzo, Maurício MesquitaPurpose This study explores distinct capital structure patterns between private and public companies, examining the varying influence of determinants on debt choices contingent upon a firm’s existing debt position. Design/methodology/approach Employing annual data from 2012 to 2022 for 142 public firms and 660 private firms in a large emerging economy, we use quantile regression within a panel data framework to study the heterogeneous effects of debt determinants, incorporating firm and time random effects. Findings Our findings indicate that such factors as size and operating margin contribute to higher levels of debt, while investment opportunities reduce the debt level. Further analyses, when accounting for a firm’s likelihood of being publicly traded, reveal that dividend payout and operating margin significantly influence debt levels, exclusively in the presence of high debt proportions. Conversely, investment opportunities emerge as a substantial determinant in all debt scenarios. In addition, we found a strong persistence in the indebtedness of companies, and we conclude that the effect of the determinants of indebtedness is heterogeneous according to the level of debt of companies. Originality/value This research provides a comprehensive comparison between private and public firms, not only in terms of debt levels but also in key capital structure determinants, highlighting their significance within the context of varying debt levels.- The dark side of the boom: dutch disease, competition with China, and technological upgrading in colombian manufacturing(2024) Branstetter, Lee G.; Laverde-Cubillos, N. RicardoThe natural resource boom of the 2000s spurred growth in income and consumption in many commodity-exporting nations. However, this paper brings together a previously unused combination of data sets from Colombia to document evidence of a downside – the currency appreciation associated with this boom led to a significant and persistent decline in R&D spending and in investment in technological upgrading by Colombian manufacturing firms. Our empirical strategy exploits differences in firms' sales across products and export destinations to create firm-specific measures of exposure to exchange rate shocks both abroad and at home. We link these new measurements of exchange rate exposure with Colombian micro data on R&D investment and technology upgrading. The key finding is that real exchange rate appreciation drives significant reductions in both firm-level R&D investment and a measure of technology upgrading that includes expenditure on capital goods, technology licensing, worker training, and other expenditures related to the adoption of new technology. Even after key commodity prices dropped significantly in the mid-2010s, inducing a substantial and long-lasting Colombian currency depreciation, investments in R&D and technology upgrading remained at subdued levels. Our estimated effects suggest that the resource boom and associated appreciation had a significant and persistent negative effect on technological development of Colombian manufacturing firm, and these conclusions remain even after careful attempts to simultaneously control for rising competition with Chinese manufacturers, which also had a negative effect on Colombian firms' technology investments, and the effects of trade liberalization at home and abroad. Similarities between Colombia and other commodity-exporters suggest that the effects documented in this paper may be widespread.
Artigo Científico Stochastic Volatility Models with Skewness Selection(2024) Martins, Igor; HEDIBERT FREITAS LOPESThis paper expands traditional stochastic volatility models by allowing for time-varying skewness without imposing it. While dynamic asymmetry may capture the likely direction of future asset returns, it comes at the risk of leading to overparameterization. Our proposed approach mitigates this concern by leveraging sparsity-inducing priors to automatically select the skewness parameter as dynamic, static or zero in a data-driven framework. We consider two empirical applications. First, in a bond yield application, dynamic skewness captures interest rate cycles of monetary easing and tightening and is partially explained by central banks’ mandates. In a currency modeling framework, our model indicates no skewness in the carry factor after accounting for stochastic volatility. This supports the idea of carry crashes resulting from volatility surges instead of dynamic skewness.Artigo Científico A aprendizagem da Libras na formação inicial de professores/Libras learning in initial teacher training(2024) Lopes, Raquel Aparecida; Seixas, Catharine Prata; Neves, Sylvia Lia GrespanEste estudo tem como objetivo examinar evidências da aprendizagem da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) por estudantes do curso de Pedagogia, além de refletir sobre a inclusão da disciplina de Libras no ensino superior e sua relevância na formação inicial de professores. Foi adotada uma abordagem qualitativa, investigando-se 10 estudantes de uma instituição privada de ensino superior no Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento no qual o pesquisador apresenta 2 frases em Libras, que os estudantes devem identificar e registrar. A análise dos dados revelou um baixo domínio dos estudantes na compreensão de estruturas frasais em Libras, indicando despreparo para atuar na educação de pessoas surdas e a necessidade de reavaliar a organização da disciplina de Libras nos currículos do ensino superiorArtigo Científico Determinant factors of banking proftability: an application of quantile regression for panel data(2024) ADRIANA BRUSCATO BORTOLUZZO; Ciganda, Rodrigo Ricardo; Bortoluzzo, Mauricio MesquitaThis study examines the determinants of bank proftability using a quantile regression approach, ofering insights into factors afecting banks across diferent percentiles of proftability. Utilizing a comprehensive database from Orbis covering 1200 top-market institutions across 101 countries, the research uniquely employs dynamic panel quantile regression while addressing sample survival bias. Our fndings highlight that bank size and capital adequacy nega tively impact proftability, whereas market value exerts a positive infuence on higher proftability banks. Credit risk afects proftability diferently across levels of proftability, and infation rate shows signifcance only for higher proft ability banks. The study contributes to the existing literature by ofering valuable insights into the factors determining bank proftability and how they behave at diferent percentiles in the sample, suggesting the importance of bank efciency and competition in promoting economic growth- Access to fresh food in vulnerable urban areas: a classificatory study of slums and formal establishments in São Paulo(2024) ANDRÉ LUIS DE CASTRO MOURA DUARTE; VINICIUS PICANÇO RODRIGUES; Alves, Raquel Carolinne Freitas; Oliveira, Gustavo Magalhães deThe environment significantly influences individuals’ food choices. Vulnerable urban areas, such as favelas, can have a decisive impact on discouraging the consumption of fresh, nutritionally rich foods. This issue is exacerbated by the urban infrastructure required to deliver fresh foods to these locations. Therefore, it is essential to understand the context of the favelas in the municipality of São Paulo in terms of the food environment and infrastructure to support the design of public policies that enhance the presence of minimally processed foods in these areas. We applied the k-means clustering method to two datasets: the food environment of favelas, characterized by food establishments, and the urban infrastructure of the favelas in the municipality of São Paulo. Of the city’s 1,701 favelas, only 271 have formally registered food establishments. Larger favelas with better urban infrastructure generally exhibited a food environment with greater access to fresh foods. The results suggest that investing in urban infrastructure can increase access to fresh foods in these areas. It is also necessary to consider local specificities to find effective solutions that increase the availability of minimally processed foods, thereby improving the population’s quality of life and health.
- Media manipulation in young democracies: evidence from the 1989 brazilian presidential election(2024) Cavgias, Alexsandros; Corbi, Raphael; Meloni, Luis; Novaes, Lucas M.We investigate how dominant media networks can manipulate voters in young democracies. During the first presidential election after the democratic transition in Brazil, TV Globo, the largest and most-watched network in the country, unexpectedly manipulated the news coverage of the last debate 2 days before the decisive second round. In a video segment, Globo unfavorably depicted the left-wing candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Using the geographical distribution of broadcaster-specific TV signals and the timing of election events, we identify the effect of the manipulation net of the effect of the debate itself, showing that Globo’s misleading reporting caused Lula to lose millions of votes. Our results showcase how the media can reshape an election in a single stroke, especially where the media is concentrated and politically inexperienced voters have few other sources of information.
Artigo Científico Bolsonaro's botched coup attempt exposed political fault lines in the Brazilian democracy(2024) LUCAS MARTINS NOVAES; DIEGO WERNECK ARGUELHESThis paper analyzes the institutional legacy of the Bolsonaro government on Brazilian democracy, with effects on 2023 and beyond. Focusing on the rebalance of the power of the executive branch vis-a-vis other powers, we argue that Bolsonaro’s botched coup attempt exposed the limitations of existing regime safeguards. First, the activation of the military brought the shadow of raw power to the political table. Second, the increased leverage Congress now exercises over the executive has ambiguous effects on its willingness to check authoritarian overreaches from the President. Finally, we consider how the conflict between the past President and the Supreme Court has made the court more politicized, potentially affecting its public standing and making it a more likely target for future attacks within the political system. We suggest that, while democracy has resisted, it is not immune to backsliding. We briefly discuss how this reshuffling will shape the scenario for Lula’s presidency and the Worker's Party in the coming years.Artigo Científico A Propriedade e o Bem Comum: Rio de Janeiro, do Século XIX ao Início do XX(2024) PEDRO JIMENEZ CANTISANOEste artigo explora a relação entre o bem comum – enquanto saúde, segurança e equipamentos públicos necessários para promover o bem-estar das pessoas – e a propriedade no Brasil, do século XIX ao início do XX. O argumento central é de que reformas urbanas e de saúde pública do final do século XIX e início do XX impulsionaram debates e transformações na relação entre bem comum e propriedade privada. Com base em um levantamento historiográfico e múltiplas fontes primárias, como processos judiciais, legislação, doutrina jurídica e jornais, mostro a construção de uma noção excludente de bem comum, que tratava os pobres, em sua maioria negros, como obstáculos à realização de objetivos coletivos. Em seguida, demonstro a intensificação das restrições impostas à propriedade privada com base nesse bem comum e analiso as transformações dessa relação durante o final do século XIX e início do XX. Focando na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, mostro como as reformas urbanas e sanitárias do início do século XX criaram um terreno fértil para que proprietários, inquilinos, ativistas, advogados, procuradores, juízes e juristas debatessem essa relação. Concluo apontando a importância da relação entre propriedade e bem comum para a história da propriedade no Brasil.Artigo Científico Exploring the psychology of LLMs’ moral and legal reasoning(2024) GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Nunes, José Luiz; Engelmann, Neele; Wiegmann, Alex; Araújo, Marcelo deLarge language models (LLMs) exhibit expert-level performance in tasks across a wide range of different domains. Ethical issues raised by LLMs and the need to align future versions makes it important to know how state of the art models reason about moral and legal issues. In this paper, we employ the methods of experimental psychology to probe into this question. We replicate eight studies from the experimental literature with instances of Google's Gemini Pro, Anthropic's Claude 2.1, OpenAI's GPT-4, and Meta's Llama 2 Chat 70b. We find that alignment with human responses shifts from one experiment to another, and that models differ amongst themselves as to their overall alignment, with GPT-4 taking a clear lead over all other models we tested. Nonetheless, even when LLM-generated responses are highly correlated to human responses, there are still systematic differences, with a tendency for models to exaggerate effects that are present among humans, in part by reducing variance. This recommends caution with regards to proposals of replacing human participants with current state-of-the-art LLMs in psychological research and highlights the need for further research about the distinctive aspects of machine psychologyArtigo Científico O Direito sem respeito às regras(2024) GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Leite, Fábio Carvalho; Assis, RodolfoNeste artigo, apresentam-se os resultados de duas pesquisas quantitativas observacionais realizadas no Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro. Com elas, investigaram-se processos envolvendo casos regulados pelo art. 20 do Código civil e pelo art. 19 do Marco civil da internet. Os resultados revelam que os juízes quase não mencionam esses dispositivos, mesmo em situações nas quais eles claramente se aplicam. Argumenta-se que esses resultados sinalizam uma atitude generalizada de desrespeito às regras primárias, o que torna o Direito brasileiro atípico do ponto de vista conceitual. Por fim, defende-se que, sob a perspectiva normativa, essa atipicidade é indesejável.Artigo Científico Probabilistic Nearest Neighbors Classification(2024) Fava, Bruno; PAULO CILAS MARQUES FILHO; HEDIBERT FREITAS LOPESAnalysis of the currently established Bayesian nearest neighbors classification model points to a connection between the computation of its normalizing constant and issues of NP-completeness. An alternative predictive model constructed by aggregating the predictive distributions of simpler nonlocal models is proposed, and analytic expressions for the normalizing constants of these nonlocal models are derived, ensuring polynomial time computation without approximations. Experiments with synthetic and real datasets showcase the predictive performance of the proposed predictive model.Artigo Científico Epistemology Goes AI: A Study of GPT-3?s Capacity to Generate Consistent and Coherent Ordered Sets of Propositions on a Single-Input-Multiple-Outputs Basis(2024) Araújo, Marcelo de; GUILHERME DA FRANCA COUTO FERNANDES DE ALMEIDA; Nunes, José LuizThe more we rely on digital assistants, online search engines, and AI systems to revise our system of beliefs and increase our body of knowledge, the less we are able to resort to some independent criterion, unrelated to further digital tools, in order to asses the epistemic reliability of the outputs delivered by them. This raises some important questions to epistemology in general and pressing questions to applied to epistemology in particular. In this paper, we propose an experimental method for the assessment of GPT-3’s capacity to generate consistent and coherent sets of outputs. When several outputs to one and the same input are very repetitive they tend to be consistent with each other, that is they do not contradict each other. But consistency does not make the set of outputs as a whole more informative than the outputs considered individually. We argue that the less informative a set of outputs is, the less coherent it is. We establish a conceptual distinction between consistency and coherence in the light of what some epistemologists refer to as a coherence theories of truth and justification. While much attention has been given to GPT-3’s capacity to produce internally coherent individual outputs, we argue, instead, that more attention should be given to its capacity to produce consistent and coherent outputs generated on a single-input-multiple-outputs basis.Artigo Científico All-cause, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality and wildfire-related ozone: a multicountry two-stage time series analysis(2024) Chen, Gongbo; Guo, Yuming; Yue, Xu; Xu, Rongbin; Yu, Wenhua; Ye, Tingting; Tong, Shilu; Gasparrini, Antonio; Bell, Michelle L; Armstrong, Ben; Schwartz, Joel; Jaakkola , Jouni J K; Lavigne , Eric; Saldiva, Paulo Hilario Nascimento; Kan, Haidong; Royé, Dominic; Urban, Aleš; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria; Tobias, Aurelio; Forsberg, Bertil; Sera, Francesco; Lei, Yadong; Abramson, Michael J; Li, Shanshan