Como a necessidade de capital de giro afeta a geração de valor das empresas
Kiyokawa, Fabricio
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O capital de giro, que basicamente corresponde as atividades de curto prazo de uma companhia,
é responsável por afetar a geração de valor das empresas. Desse modo, é de suma importância
o gerenciamento eficiente dessa variável. Na parte operacional do capital de giro, que diz
respeito aos ativos e passivos operacionais, temos a necessidade de capital de giro. Poucos
estudos foram feitos sobre o impacto da necessidade de capital de giro sobre o desempenho das
empresas. Portanto, esse estudo visa analisar o efeito da necessidade de capital de giro sobre a
percepção de valor das empresas listadas na bolsa brasileira para os anos de 2015 a 2019. De
maneira geral, é esperado que seja um efeito positivo, mas com retornos decrescentes de escala,
assemelhando-se com um U-invertido.
Working capital, which basically corresponds to a company's short-term activities, is responsible for affecting companies' value generation. Thus, the efficient management of this variable is really important. In the operating part of working capital, which concerns operating assets and liabilities, we have the net operating working capital. Few studies have been done on the impact of the net operating working capital on the performance of companies. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of net operating working capital on companies' perception of value of listed on the Brazilian stock exchange for the years 2015 to 2019. Overall, it is expected to be a positive effect, but with decreasing scale returns, resembling an inverted-U.
Working capital, which basically corresponds to a company's short-term activities, is responsible for affecting companies' value generation. Thus, the efficient management of this variable is really important. In the operating part of working capital, which concerns operating assets and liabilities, we have the net operating working capital. Few studies have been done on the impact of the net operating working capital on the performance of companies. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of net operating working capital on companies' perception of value of listed on the Brazilian stock exchange for the years 2015 to 2019. Overall, it is expected to be a positive effect, but with decreasing scale returns, resembling an inverted-U.
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Membros da banca
Kiyokawa, Fabricio
Pozzi, Eduardo
Área do Conhecimento CNPQ