O papel do Ministério Público no desenvolvimento de políticas sociais: revisão bibliográfica de artigos acadêmicos (2015 a 2020)
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A elaboração e a implementação de políticas públicas, não raro, requerem a participação de atores jurídicos. No Brasil, o Ministério Público tem sido uma das instituições que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas - especialmente, as sociais – desde a promulgação da Constituição de 1988. Diante disso, o objetivo desse artigo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos acadêmicos recentes que considera essa atuação do Ministério Público. Para isso, foram elencados artigos disponíveis no Portal da Capes e produzidos entre os anos de 2015 e 2020. Desse modo, foi possível observar que ainda são poucos os trabalhos que se dedicam a essa temática nos periódicos com melhores classificações, o que permite concluir que há possibilidades de expansão e aprofundamento de uma agenda de pesquisa que envolva o Ministério Público e a sua relação com as políticas públicas no país.
The design and implementation of public policy often require the participation of legal actors. In Brazil, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has been one of the institutions that contribute for the development of public policies – especially social policies – since the publication of the 1988 Constitution. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present a bibliographic review of recent academic works which considers this performance of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. In order to reach this aim, we listed the available articles at the Capes Portal, which were produced between the years of 2015 and 2020. Thus, it was possible to observe that there are few works dedicated to this issue in the best rates journals, which allows us to conclude that there are possibilities of expansion and deepening of a research agenda that involves Public Prosecutor’s Office and its relationship to public policy in the country.
The design and implementation of public policy often require the participation of legal actors. In Brazil, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has been one of the institutions that contribute for the development of public policies – especially social policies – since the publication of the 1988 Constitution. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present a bibliographic review of recent academic works which considers this performance of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. In order to reach this aim, we listed the available articles at the Capes Portal, which were produced between the years of 2015 and 2020. Thus, it was possible to observe that there are few works dedicated to this issue in the best rates journals, which allows us to conclude that there are possibilities of expansion and deepening of a research agenda that involves Public Prosecutor’s Office and its relationship to public policy in the country.
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