Impacto da homofilia na obtenção de emprego via indicação
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A obtenção de trabalho pelo canal informal indicação é relevante, independente
das características dos trabalhadores, dos trabalhos, das empresas e países.
Costuma ser responsável entre 30 e 70% das contratações. Na amostra desta
pesquisa representa 46%. A literatura analisada busca determinar os motivos de seu
uso para propor ações que enderecem eventuais distorções geradas como
perpetuação da imobilidade social. Não obstante, há carência de trabalhos que
analisem de forma mais detalhada a relação entre indicadores e indicados.
Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa mensurar em campo a homofilia,
tendência de pessoas se relacionarem com semelhantes, e avaliar o seu impacto na
obtenção de trabalho condicionada à indicação.
Para isso, foi feita pesquisa observacional específica no Brasil que gerou
amostra de cerca de mil e trezentas observações com detalhamento de mais de cem
atributos focados não só nas características dos candidatos a vagas e os tipos das
vagas, mas também a relação entre candidatos e indicadores.
Com base na soma de dez dimensões homofílicas como raça, gênero, situação
familiar, nível de escolaridade foram medidos distintos graus de homofilia entre
pesquisado e indicador.
Para se avaliar o impacto da homofilia no sucesso da obtenção de trabalho para
o qual foi indicado e reduzir viés de covariáveis observáveis foi usado método
Matching. O resultado obtido foi que zero grau de homofilia entre indicadores e
indicados da amostra reduz em média 16% a probabilidade de obtenção do trabalho
indicado, mesmo controlado por diversas características do candidato como
escolaridade e tipo de trabalho. Este impacto negativo é heterogêneo, sendo mais
pronunciado em grupos como mulheres, pessoas sem trabalho ou cujos indicadores
eram não brancos.
Independente da confirmação do impacto da homofilia por pesquisas futuras
que reduzam viés advindo de características não observáveis, recomenda-se, ao
menos, que todos tenham maior visibilidade sobre o viés de suas redes sociais,
principalmente com relação à indicação de vagas de trabalho.
ob search through informal referral channel is relevant, regardless of the characteristics of workers, jobs, companies, and countries. It accounts for 30 to 70% of all hirings. It represents 46% in the research sample. The research literature evaluates several reasons for its wide adoption to propose actions to address any distortions generated by it, such as potential social immobility. However, there is a lack of studies that analyze in more detail the relationship between referrers and nominees. In this context, the present work aims to empirically measure the homophily, tendency of people to relate to similar people, and evaluate its impact in obtaining work via referrals. Specific Brazilian observational research was carried out, which generated a sample of around one thousand and three hundred observations with details of more than one hundred attributes focused not only on the characteristics of candidates and the types of vacancies, but also on the relationship between candidates and referrers. The homophily degree was measured by each pair of candidate-referrer by summing up the ten dimensions captured in the questionnaire. The method of Matching was used to analyze the impact of homophily in the referral hiring, reducing bias of observable covariates. The result obtained was that zero degree of homophily between referrers and nominees reduced, on average, 16% of the probability of obtaining the referral job, even when controlling for various characteristics of the candidate, such as education and type of work. This negative impact is heterogeneous, more pronounced in disadvantaged groups such as women, the jobless or whose referrers were non-white. Future surveys aimed to reduce bias generated by unobservable characteristics are necessary to validate the homophily`s impact on referral hiring. Regardless of the result, it is recommended at least that everyone be aware of its impact on his/her social networks and associated job referrals.
ob search through informal referral channel is relevant, regardless of the characteristics of workers, jobs, companies, and countries. It accounts for 30 to 70% of all hirings. It represents 46% in the research sample. The research literature evaluates several reasons for its wide adoption to propose actions to address any distortions generated by it, such as potential social immobility. However, there is a lack of studies that analyze in more detail the relationship between referrers and nominees. In this context, the present work aims to empirically measure the homophily, tendency of people to relate to similar people, and evaluate its impact in obtaining work via referrals. Specific Brazilian observational research was carried out, which generated a sample of around one thousand and three hundred observations with details of more than one hundred attributes focused not only on the characteristics of candidates and the types of vacancies, but also on the relationship between candidates and referrers. The homophily degree was measured by each pair of candidate-referrer by summing up the ten dimensions captured in the questionnaire. The method of Matching was used to analyze the impact of homophily in the referral hiring, reducing bias of observable covariates. The result obtained was that zero degree of homophily between referrers and nominees reduced, on average, 16% of the probability of obtaining the referral job, even when controlling for various characteristics of the candidate, such as education and type of work. This negative impact is heterogeneous, more pronounced in disadvantaged groups such as women, the jobless or whose referrers were non-white. Future surveys aimed to reduce bias generated by unobservable characteristics are necessary to validate the homophily`s impact on referral hiring. Regardless of the result, it is recommended at least that everyone be aware of its impact on his/her social networks and associated job referrals.
Microeconomia; Mercado de Trabalho; Canal Informal de Busca de Trabalho; Indicação de Vagas; Redes Sociais; Homofilia; Capital Social; Imobilidade; Economia Social; Economia da Informação; Microeconomy; Labor Market; Informal Job Search Channels; Job Referrals; Social Networks; Homophily; Social Capital; Immobility; Social Economy; Information Economy
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