Relação do perfil de investidor e dos financiamentos na determinação do tempo de evento de saída de unicórnios
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Nos últimos anos, o número de empresas cujo valor de mercado é superior a
um bilhão de dólares aumentou de maneira considerável, principalmente em países
com elevado grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico e ecossistemas disruptivos, como
Estados Unidos e China. Essas empresas, por possuírem modelos de negócio
escaláveis, tornam-se investimentos atrativos para fundos de venture capital e private
equity, uma vez que há expectativa de retornos elevados em relação ao capital
investido no evento de saída. Este estudo tem o intuito de examinar a relação entre o
perfil dos investidores e os investimentos realizados em empresas cujo valor superou
USD 1 bilhão, denominadas unicórnios. Para tal, utilizou-se uma amostra de 1.446
unicórnios, localizadas globalmente, que fizeram fusão ou aquisição (M&A) ou oferta
pública de ações (IPO - Initial Public Offer). Com base na análise de riscos
proporcionais de Cox, foram estimados modelos de sobrevivência para avaliar quais
fatores relacionados ao perfil dos investidores e seus investimentos aceleram a
ocorrência da saída estratégica via M&A ou IPO após uma empresa atingir o patamar
de unicórnio. Em termos de resultados significantes estatisticamente, existem
evidências de que a presença de investidores de boa reputação e qualificação no
mercado econômico, assim como investimentos mais frequentes e de maior valor
médio ao longo da vida do unicórnio estão associados a uma redução do tempo até o
M&A ou IPO, assim como uma maior taxa de ocorrência de um evento de saída bem sucedido
During the last years, the number of companies with market value above one billion dollars have considerably increased, specifically on high technological development and disruptive environment, such as United States and China. These companies, due to their scalable business models, are attractive investments for venture capital and private equity funds since strong returns over invested capital were expected in the exit event. This study has the objective to analyze the relation between investor’s profile and their investments in USD 1 billion valuation companies, defined as unicorns. Therefore, it was considered a sample of 1.446 unicorns, worldwide, which performed an M&A (merger and acquisition) or went public by an IPO (initial public offer). Based on Cox proportional hazards analysis, survival models were estimated to evaluate which factors related to investor’s profile and their investments accelerate the strategic exit event through M&A or IPO after a company became a unicorn. In terms of results statistically significant, there are evidence investors with a good reputation and well qualified in the market, and more frequent investments, with higher amounts, are associated to reduced time until M&A or IPO, and also to a higher rate of successful exit event.
During the last years, the number of companies with market value above one billion dollars have considerably increased, specifically on high technological development and disruptive environment, such as United States and China. These companies, due to their scalable business models, are attractive investments for venture capital and private equity funds since strong returns over invested capital were expected in the exit event. This study has the objective to analyze the relation between investor’s profile and their investments in USD 1 billion valuation companies, defined as unicorns. Therefore, it was considered a sample of 1.446 unicorns, worldwide, which performed an M&A (merger and acquisition) or went public by an IPO (initial public offer). Based on Cox proportional hazards analysis, survival models were estimated to evaluate which factors related to investor’s profile and their investments accelerate the strategic exit event through M&A or IPO after a company became a unicorn. In terms of results statistically significant, there are evidence investors with a good reputation and well qualified in the market, and more frequent investments, with higher amounts, are associated to reduced time until M&A or IPO, and also to a higher rate of successful exit event.
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