Seis vezes “onze ilhas”: os múltiplos sentidos de individualismo em interpretações sobre o STF
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O Supremo Tribunal Federal é uma instituição “individualista”? Em três décadas de estudos acadêmicos e debates públicos, tem sido recorrente o tema de um tribunal tão dividido quanto o número de ministros, sintetizado em variadas imagens, das quais “onze ilhas” é a mais popular. Há menos consenso, na verdade, do que sugere o uso generalizado e recorrente dessa metáfora. Neste trabalho, identificamos ao menos seis sentidos possíveis de “individualismo” como chave de leitura e crítica do funcionamento do tribunal – alguns deles sobre a atuação dos(as) ministros(as) dentro do colegiado, outros enfocando essa atuação fora do processo decisório colegiado. Sem clareza quanto a essas diferentes leituras e suas condições específicas de sucesso como descrições do STF, a maleabilidade das imagens sobre a natureza ou funcionamento da instituição se torna problemática. Neste artigo, recorrendo duas décadas de trabalhos empíricos e normativos sobre o STF, pretendemos contribuir para diagnósticos sobre o funcionamento do tribunal por meio da reconstrução conceitual: (1) dos diferentes sentidos possíveis em que o Supremo pode ser “individualista”, (2) das diferentes condições de sucesso de trabalhos empíricos que pretendam testar hipóteses sobre cada uma dessas dimensões, e (3) dos diferentes aspectos de desenho institucional relacionados às distintas dimensões.
Is the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) an “individualistic” institution? In three decades of academic studies and public debates, the theme of a court as divided as its number of judges has recurred. This theme has been summarized in various images, the most popular of which is “eleven islands”. But there is less consensus in the field than the widespread and recurrent use of this metaphor suggests. In this paper, we have identified at least six possible meanings of “individualism” in interpretations and criticisms of the court’s functioning - some of them focusing on actions of individual judges within the collegiate body, and others focusing on individual behavior beyond and outside the collective decision-making process. Without clarity about these diferent readings and their specific truth conditions as descriptions of the STF, the malleability of images about the nature or functioning of the institution becomes problematic. In this paper, drawing on two decades of empirical and normative work on the STF, we aim to contribute to diagnoses of the court’s functioning by articulating a conceptual framework: (1) of the different possible ways in which the STF can be “individualistic”, (2) of the different truth conditions for empirical claims and studies involving hypotheses on each of such dimensions, and (3) of the different aspects of institutional design related to the dimensions.
Is the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) an “individualistic” institution? In three decades of academic studies and public debates, the theme of a court as divided as its number of judges has recurred. This theme has been summarized in various images, the most popular of which is “eleven islands”. But there is less consensus in the field than the widespread and recurrent use of this metaphor suggests. In this paper, we have identified at least six possible meanings of “individualism” in interpretations and criticisms of the court’s functioning - some of them focusing on actions of individual judges within the collegiate body, and others focusing on individual behavior beyond and outside the collective decision-making process. Without clarity about these diferent readings and their specific truth conditions as descriptions of the STF, the malleability of images about the nature or functioning of the institution becomes problematic. In this paper, drawing on two decades of empirical and normative work on the STF, we aim to contribute to diagnoses of the court’s functioning by articulating a conceptual framework: (1) of the different possible ways in which the STF can be “individualistic”, (2) of the different truth conditions for empirical claims and studies involving hypotheses on each of such dimensions, and (3) of the different aspects of institutional design related to the dimensions.
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Revista de Investigações Constitucionais
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DOI da Revista: 10.5380/rinc.v11i1.94281
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