Determinantes da continuidade de investimento pós series a: evidências de economias emergentes
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As startups oferecem diversos benefícios econômicos para a sociedade como geração de
empregos e fomento à inovação. Como essas empresas enfrentam restrição de capital nos seus
anos iniciais, é através de rodadas de investimento que essas empresas conseguem obter
recursos para concretizar tais benefícios, tornando a recorrência destes financiamentos sua fonte
de sobrevivência. Nós analisamos quais os determinantes de um novo aporte de capital pós
Series A, utilizando uma amostra de 3.830 rodadas de investimento provenientes de 16
economias emergentes, realizadas no período de 2016 a 2020. Encontramos que o número de
fundadores e investidores impactam positivamente a probabilidade de um novo aporte pós
Series A. Testamos a classificação de economia emergente do FTSE para avaliar se o grau de
desenvolvimento do país importa, porém não encontramos significância. Além disso, os
resultados indicam que rodadas anunciadas em um trimestre com P/L acima da média dos
últimos quatro períodos também tem maior probabilidade de receberem um próximo aporte de
capital. Estudar o ecossistema do venture capital contribui para que empreendedores,
investidores e formuladores de políticas públicas tomem decisões que o levam para o sucesso,
cooperando com a prosperidade de seus benefícios econômicos
Startups provide various economic benefits to society, such as job creation and fostering innovation. Faced with capital constraints in their early years, these companies secure resources through investment rounds to realize such benefits, making the recurrence of these rounds their source of survival. We analyzed the determinants for a new post-Series A investment round by examining a sample of 3.830 Series A rounds from 16 emerging economies which have taken place from 2016 to 2020. We find that the number of founders and investors positively affect the probability of a new round post Series A. We tested the FTSE emerging economies index to assess if the country’s level of development matters, but no significance was found. Moreover, results indicate that rounds announced on a quarter with P/E above the last four quarters average also have a positive impact on a next capital injection. Studying the venture capital ecosystem contributes to entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers making decisions that lead it to success, nurturing the prosperity of its economic benefits.
Startups provide various economic benefits to society, such as job creation and fostering innovation. Faced with capital constraints in their early years, these companies secure resources through investment rounds to realize such benefits, making the recurrence of these rounds their source of survival. We analyzed the determinants for a new post-Series A investment round by examining a sample of 3.830 Series A rounds from 16 emerging economies which have taken place from 2016 to 2020. We find that the number of founders and investors positively affect the probability of a new round post Series A. We tested the FTSE emerging economies index to assess if the country’s level of development matters, but no significance was found. Moreover, results indicate that rounds announced on a quarter with P/E above the last four quarters average also have a positive impact on a next capital injection. Studying the venture capital ecosystem contributes to entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers making decisions that lead it to success, nurturing the prosperity of its economic benefits.
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Área do Conhecimento CNPQ