Recuperação de Serviço no Contexto de Marketplaces Digitais: O Efeito da Justiça Interacional Percebida na Recompra
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O presente estudo tem como objetivo entender no contexto específico de marketplaces,
qual o efeito da justiça interacional percebida durante a recuperação de serviços na satisfação
do cliente com essa recuperação e consequente recompra. O entendimento da relação entre
justiça percebida e satisfação em cenários de conflito entre empresa e consumidor, e posterior
impacto na recompra, é um tema amplamente estudado na literatura. Autores apontam que, via
uma resolução efetiva por parte da empresa, é possível não apenas mitigar emoções negativas
incorridas do problema enfrentado pelo consumidor, mas também instigar a criação de
sentimentos positivos, o que interage diretamente na lealdade e satisfação geral percebida pelo
cliente. Em razão da crescente digitalização e avanço tecnológico, o ambiente digital ganha
cada vez mais relevância no cotidiano dos brasileiros, que adquirem um número crescente de
bens e serviços via internet. Devido a esse contexto, não restrito ao comportamento de consumo
do Brasil, já existem múltiplas pesquisas sobre o tema central deste estudo (i.e., recuperação de
serviço em comercio electrónico), porém com foco principal no canal e-commerce, que difere
de marketplaces, apesar de ambos serem meios de varejo digitais. O estudo tem natureza
quantitativa, via regressão logística com mediação parcial, com dados de reclamações em que
a empresa de marketplace Mercado Livre, líder no Brasil, atuou como mediadora entre o
comprador e vendedor de determinada transação e subsequente reclamação. Foram
consideradas as informações de 7.775 clientes B2C da plataforma, que tiveram sua primeira
reclamação reportada à empresa em setembro de 2021, além de características da transação,
produto e reclamação vinculadas à insatisfação relatada pelo cliente. Os resultados mostram
que justiça interacional é um fator relevante, tanto de forma direta quanto via satisfação, para a
recompra em cenários de recuperação de serviços, ressaltando a importância de tratar os clientes
de forma justa durante esse processo. O estudo visa contribuir para a academia trazendo um
entendimento profundo dos hábitos de compra do consumidor em meio a um panorama de
consumo recente de marketplace no Brasil, país e contexto pouco estudados na literatura. Para
a prática, este estudo traz elementos importantes quanto à priorização de recursos e perfis de
clientes com maior risco de não efetuar recompra decorrente à insatisfação com a resolução do
problema relatado e consequente troca com a empresa. O estudo também visa demonstrar
empiricamente a importância de investimentos em treinamentos e capacitações dos
colaboradores da equipe de atendimento, em especial nas principais alavancas identificadas
para justiça interacional.
The present study aims to understand, in the context of marketplaces, the effect of interactional justice, perceived during service recovery on one’s satisfaction with the service recovery and in the subsequent repurchase, taking into account consumer characteristics that can aggravate or mitigate this effect. Understanding the relationship between justice and satisfaction in conflict scenarios between company and consumer, and its subsequent impact on repurchase, is a topic widely studied in the literature. Authors point out that, via an effective resolution by the company, it is possible not only to mitigate negative emotions incurred from the problem faced by the consumer, but also to instigate the creation of positive feelings, which directly interacts with the loyalty and overall satisfaction perceived by the customer. Due to the growing digitization and technological advances, the digital environment is gaining more and more relevance in the daily life of Brazilians, who acquire more and more goods and services via the internet. Due to this context, not restricted to consumer behavior in Brazil, there are already multiple studies on the central theme of this study, but with its main focus on the e commerce channel, which differs from marketplaces, despite the fact that both are digital retail channels. E-commerce is a virtual store in which a company or individual sells its own products directly to customers. The study is quantitative in nature, via logistic regression, with data from complaints in which the leading marketplace company in Brazil, Mercado Livre, had to act as a mediator between the buyer and seller of a given transaction. Information from 7.775 B2C customers of the platform, who had their first complaint reported to the company in September 2021, was considered, in addition to characteristics of the transaction, product and complaint linked to the dissatisfaction reported by the customer. The results show that interactional justice is relevant for repurchase in service recovery contexts, showing direct and indirect effects through satisfaction, reinforcing the importance of fair treatment during this process. The study aims to contribute to the academy by bringing a deep understanding of consumer buying habits in the midst of a recent consumption panorama within Brazil, a country little studied in the literature from this perspective. For practice, it brings important elements regarding the prioritization of resources and customer profiles at greater risk of not making a repurchase due to dissatisfaction with the resolution of the reported problem and consequent exchange with the company, in addition to empirically proving the importance of investments in training and training of service team employees, especially in the main levers identified for interactional justice.
The present study aims to understand, in the context of marketplaces, the effect of interactional justice, perceived during service recovery on one’s satisfaction with the service recovery and in the subsequent repurchase, taking into account consumer characteristics that can aggravate or mitigate this effect. Understanding the relationship between justice and satisfaction in conflict scenarios between company and consumer, and its subsequent impact on repurchase, is a topic widely studied in the literature. Authors point out that, via an effective resolution by the company, it is possible not only to mitigate negative emotions incurred from the problem faced by the consumer, but also to instigate the creation of positive feelings, which directly interacts with the loyalty and overall satisfaction perceived by the customer. Due to the growing digitization and technological advances, the digital environment is gaining more and more relevance in the daily life of Brazilians, who acquire more and more goods and services via the internet. Due to this context, not restricted to consumer behavior in Brazil, there are already multiple studies on the central theme of this study, but with its main focus on the e commerce channel, which differs from marketplaces, despite the fact that both are digital retail channels. E-commerce is a virtual store in which a company or individual sells its own products directly to customers. The study is quantitative in nature, via logistic regression, with data from complaints in which the leading marketplace company in Brazil, Mercado Livre, had to act as a mediator between the buyer and seller of a given transaction. Information from 7.775 B2C customers of the platform, who had their first complaint reported to the company in September 2021, was considered, in addition to characteristics of the transaction, product and complaint linked to the dissatisfaction reported by the customer. The results show that interactional justice is relevant for repurchase in service recovery contexts, showing direct and indirect effects through satisfaction, reinforcing the importance of fair treatment during this process. The study aims to contribute to the academy by bringing a deep understanding of consumer buying habits in the midst of a recent consumption panorama within Brazil, a country little studied in the literature from this perspective. For practice, it brings important elements regarding the prioritization of resources and customer profiles at greater risk of not making a repurchase due to dissatisfaction with the resolution of the reported problem and consequent exchange with the company, in addition to empirically proving the importance of investments in training and training of service team employees, especially in the main levers identified for interactional justice.
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