Retorno e risco de investimentos em Startups de base tecnológica: uma visão empírica do mercado brasileiro
Gonçalves, Adalto Barbaceia
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A avaliação de risco e retorno de Startups mostra-se um desafio por falta de divulgação de valores de suas ações ou cotas, dado que o valuation destas é observado apenas quando há um evento de liquidez, causando efeito de stale-price.
Ainda, quando o valuation é divulgado, a informação é geralmente autodeclarada e relativa às Startups com desempenhos significativamente superiores comparados às demais, causando um viés de seleção. A metodologia econométrica proposta pelo presente artigo trata o problema de atemporalidade da divulgação dos valuations, a fim de possibilitar análise de risco e retorno por meio de métodos de regressão linear, e aplica procedimento de Heckman para correção do viés de seleção. Nossos resultados mostraram-se consistentes para avaliar o comportamento do risco desses ativos e, com dados de Startups brasileiras, podemos observar tendência delas se comportarem como empresas growth stock, quando aplicado a regressão com os fatores de Fama e French.
The risk and return assessment of Startups proves to be a challenge due to the lack of observation of the values of their shares, given that their valuation is observed only when there is a liquidity event, causing a stale-price effect. Also, when the valuation is observed, the information is usually self-declared and relative to Startups with significantly higher performance compared to the rest, which causes selection bias. The econometric methodology proposed in this article deals with the problem of the timelessness of observation of valuations, to enable risk and return analysis through linear regression methods and applies the Heckman procedure to correct selection bias. Our results proved to be consistent to assess the risk behavior of these assets and, with data from Brazilian Startups, we can observe a tendency for them to behave as growth stock companies, when applied to regression with the risk factors of Fame and French
The risk and return assessment of Startups proves to be a challenge due to the lack of observation of the values of their shares, given that their valuation is observed only when there is a liquidity event, causing a stale-price effect. Also, when the valuation is observed, the information is usually self-declared and relative to Startups with significantly higher performance compared to the rest, which causes selection bias. The econometric methodology proposed in this article deals with the problem of the timelessness of observation of valuations, to enable risk and return analysis through linear regression methods and applies the Heckman procedure to correct selection bias. Our results proved to be consistent to assess the risk behavior of these assets and, with data from Brazilian Startups, we can observe a tendency for them to behave as growth stock companies, when applied to regression with the risk factors of Fame and French
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Membros da banca
Gonçalves, Adalto Barbaceia
Bortoluzzo, Adriana Bruscato
Schiozer, Rafael Felipe
Área do Conhecimento CNPQ