Habilidades de Vendas em Mercados B2B no Contexto de Transformação Digital
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As habilidades de vendas tem sido objeto de estudo por muito tempo. O objetivo
dessa pesquisa é compreender como determinadas habilidades impactam a
performance de um profissional de vendas outbound no modelo business-to-business
(B2B), levando em consideração o crescente investimento em estruturas de tecnologia
que suportam vendedores nas suas rotinas.
Quando comparamos as habilidades necessárias para vendedores estudadas
por Marshall et al. (2003) há duas décadas, supõe-se que são diferentes das
esperadas atualmente nas mesmas posições comerciais. Para a realização desse
estudo, escolhemos uma empresa de bens de consumo do setor de bebidas. Para a
pesquisa, testamos dois modelos iguais de variáveis independentes, mas com
variáveis respostas distintas. Para o modelo 1 usamos número de SKU’s (Stock Keep
Unit) médio na base de atendimento do vendedor, e no modelo 2, Faturamento da
carteira do vendedor. Os resultados foram divergentes entre os modelos, com quatro
hipóteses positivas e significativas para o modelo 1 e duas hipóteses para o modelo
Sales skills have been the subject of study for a long time. The objective of this research is to understand how certain skills impact the performance of an outbound sales professional in the business-to-business (B2B) model, considering the growing investment in technological structures that support salespeople in their routines. When we compare the competencies needed to salespeople by Marshall et al. (2003) two decades ago, assumes that they are different from current expectations in the same negotiation positions. To carry out this study, we chose a consumer goods company in the beverage sector. For the research, we tested two equal models of independent variables, but with different variables. For model 1, the average number of SKUs (Stock Keep Unit) from the seller's service base was used, and in model 2, the Revenue from the seller's portfolio. The results were divergent between the models, with four positive and significant hypotheses for model 1 and two hypotheses for model 2.
Sales skills have been the subject of study for a long time. The objective of this research is to understand how certain skills impact the performance of an outbound sales professional in the business-to-business (B2B) model, considering the growing investment in technological structures that support salespeople in their routines. When we compare the competencies needed to salespeople by Marshall et al. (2003) two decades ago, assumes that they are different from current expectations in the same negotiation positions. To carry out this study, we chose a consumer goods company in the beverage sector. For the research, we tested two equal models of independent variables, but with different variables. For model 1, the average number of SKUs (Stock Keep Unit) from the seller's service base was used, and in model 2, the Revenue from the seller's portfolio. The results were divergent between the models, with four positive and significant hypotheses for model 1 and two hypotheses for model 2.
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