Efeitos do uso de aplicativos proprietários como canal de vendas e relacionamento na Venda Direta
Claro, Danny Pimentel
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Uma das principais alavancas de crescimento de receita e redução de custos de operação
na venda direta está relacionada a maior adesão dos revendedores a meios de captação digitais,
com o destaque aos aplicativos de smartphones, os dispositivos digitais com maior aderência
na população Brasileira. Esta adesão não se dá puramente por migração de canais, mas também
pela adição do canal de aplicativo em conjunto com outro canal. O presente estudo, pretende a
investigar estatisticamente o impacto da adição do canal aplicativo sobre revendedores que
antes compravam em “Espaços dos Revendedores”, lojas físicas especializadas e exclusivas a
revendedores. Para isto, foram identificados os revendedores que mudaram seu comportamento
de compras e adicionaram um novo canal. Foram utilizados dados de venda dos anos de 2019
a 2022, totalizando 37 ciclos promocionais. Desta base, foram selecionados 2.703 revendedores
que mudaram seu comportamento de vendas, que foram pareados por Propensity Score
Matching (PSM), para obter-se um grupo de controle adequado, controladas variáveis
relevantes ao desempenho do revendedor e sua propensão a utilizar o aplicativo. A principal
contribuição teórica da pesquisa está na verificação do efeito positivo do uso de aplicativos
como meio complementar de captação de pedidos na Venda Direta. Contribuições à prática
gerencial são que o uso de aplicativo traz ganho relevante em receita o que justifica esforços de
desenvolvimento e aprimoramento do canal. Por outro lado, o uso de aplicativo não resultou no
incremento da variedade de compra, o que sugere que gestores utilizem de alavancas e canais
complementares para incentivar compras com maior variedade. A pesquisa está estrutura em
seis capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma introdução ao problema de pesquisa, objetivos
e metodologia. O segundo capítulo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica, que apresenta
conhecimentos estabelecidos relevantes a pesquisa. No terceiro capítulo são apresentadas as
hipóteses e contexto do estudo. O quarto capítulo demonstra a metodologia utilizada, o design
de pesquisa e estatísticas descritivas da amostra e interpretações. No quinto capítulo são
apresentados os resultados obtidos no processo de pesquisa e o sexto capítulo apresenta as
considerações e contribuições à teoria e prática gerencial.
One of the main levers of revenue growth and operation costs reduction in direct selling is related to the greater level of adoption from resellers to digital means of ordering with emphasis to applications on mobile smartphones, the digital devices with greater participation in Brazilian population. This adoption is not given purely by migration of channels, but also for the addition of the mobile application channel in conjuncture with another channel. The present study, pretends to statistically investigate the impact of the addition of the mobile application channel on resellers that used to buy in “Resellers Stores”, specialized physical stores exclusive to resellers. Thereby, the resellers that changed their buying behavior and added a new channel were identified. There were used sales data ranging from 2 019 to 2022, that add up to 37 promotional cycles. From this database, where selected 2.703 resellers that changed their buying behavior, which were paired with Propensity Score Matching (PSM), to obtain an adequate control group, controlling for relevant variables that impact the performance of the reseller and his propensity of using the mobile application. The main theoretical contribution of the research is in the proofing of the positive effect of the use of mobile applications as a complementary order channel in Direct Selling. Contributions to managerial practice are that the use of mobile applications brings significant gains in revenue, which justifies efforts to develop and improve the channel. On the other hand, the use of mobile application did not result in an increase in the variety of purchases, which suggests that managers use complementary levers and channels to encourage purchases with greater variety. The research is organized in six chapters. The first chapter presents an introduction to the research problem, objectives, and methodology. The second chapter presents a bibliographic review, which presents established knowledge relevant to the research. In the third chapter, the hypotheses and context of the study are presented. The fourth chapter demonstrates the methodology used, the research design and descriptive sample statistics and interpretations. The fifth chapter presents the results obtained in the research process and the sixth chapter presents considerations and contributions to theory and managerial practice.
One of the main levers of revenue growth and operation costs reduction in direct selling is related to the greater level of adoption from resellers to digital means of ordering with emphasis to applications on mobile smartphones, the digital devices with greater participation in Brazilian population. This adoption is not given purely by migration of channels, but also for the addition of the mobile application channel in conjuncture with another channel. The present study, pretends to statistically investigate the impact of the addition of the mobile application channel on resellers that used to buy in “Resellers Stores”, specialized physical stores exclusive to resellers. Thereby, the resellers that changed their buying behavior and added a new channel were identified. There were used sales data ranging from 2 019 to 2022, that add up to 37 promotional cycles. From this database, where selected 2.703 resellers that changed their buying behavior, which were paired with Propensity Score Matching (PSM), to obtain an adequate control group, controlling for relevant variables that impact the performance of the reseller and his propensity of using the mobile application. The main theoretical contribution of the research is in the proofing of the positive effect of the use of mobile applications as a complementary order channel in Direct Selling. Contributions to managerial practice are that the use of mobile applications brings significant gains in revenue, which justifies efforts to develop and improve the channel. On the other hand, the use of mobile application did not result in an increase in the variety of purchases, which suggests that managers use complementary levers and channels to encourage purchases with greater variety. The research is organized in six chapters. The first chapter presents an introduction to the research problem, objectives, and methodology. The second chapter presents a bibliographic review, which presents established knowledge relevant to the research. In the third chapter, the hypotheses and context of the study are presented. The fourth chapter demonstrates the methodology used, the research design and descriptive sample statistics and interpretations. The fifth chapter presents the results obtained in the research process and the sixth chapter presents considerations and contributions to theory and managerial practice.
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Membros da banca
Claro, Danny Pimentel
Ramos, Carla Sofia Dias Moreira
Vieira, Valter Afonso
Área do Conhecimento CNPQ