Coleção de Trabalhos Apresentados em Eventos

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  • Trabalho de Evento
    Cybersecurity Monitoring/Mapping of USA Healthcare (All Hospitals) - Magnified Vulnerability due to Shared IT Infrastructure, Market Concentration, & Geographical Distribution
    (2024) Yurcik, William; Schick, Andreas; North, Stephen; Gastner, Michael T.; FABIO ROBERTO DE MIRANDA; RODOLFO DA SILVA AVELINO; ANDRE FILIPE DE MORAES BATISTA; Pluta, Gregory; Brooks, Ian
    In October 2024, there are two defining characteristics of a healthcare provider: (1) geographic location and services available at their physical structure and (2) Internet connectivity and services available via their virtual presence. For previous centuries we focused on the first defining characteristic and now we need to shift to understand and address issues that may arise from the new second defining characteristic. In this paper we address issues related to Internet connectivity and virtual presence of USA healthcare providers, especially hospitals, when ransomware cyberattacks resulting in service outages occur. We show the cybersecurity posture of a large critical national infrastructure (USA healthcare) can be measured, mapped, and quantitatively baselined. Empirical results reveal systemic issues in USA healthcare presenting "magnified vulnerabilities" in that a single exploit can have an outsized impact on an entire nationwide infrastructure. As the initial step toward addressing this issue, we document for the first time the magnified cybersecurity vulnerability of USA healthcare to shared IT infrastructure, market concentration, and the geographical distribution of hospitals.
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    Explorando o Gap de Gênero em Matemática no ENEM em Municípios Brasileiros como Indicativo de Potenciais Candidatas para Carreiras em Computação
    (2024) TIAGO FERNANDES TAVARES; Miranda, Fábio R.
    Nas ciências exatas e tecnológicas tipicamente há uma grande diferença entre o tamanho das populações masculina e feminina, o que é conhecido como gap de gênero. Esse fenômeno é observado mundialmente em disciplinas do campo STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática), e é relacionado a aspectos culturais que são mensuráveis a partir do ensino médio. Neste artigo, estimamos o gap de gênero à partir da análise das notas de matemática de alunos no ENEM. A análise dos dados mostra que há cidades que consistentemente têm um gap de gênero pequeno, o que indica possíveis fontes de inspiração para ações futuras na redução deste fenômeno.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Evaluating mastery-oriented grading in an intensive CS1 course
    (2024) Montagner, Igor dos Santos; RAFAEL CORSI FERRÃO; Kurauchi, Andrew; Silva, Mariana; Zilles, Craig
    Allowing students to re-attempt assessments has been shown to be effective in traditional university-level courses in improving student mastery of course content. In this paper, we analyse an intensive programming introductory experience, where first semes ter university students’ full load is a single semester-long course that teaches the basics of programming and software engineering. We study its use of mastery-based grading: offering five (formative) low-stakes quizzes (with retakes), each focused on a single topic, and five (summative) higher-stakes exams that assess all learn ing objectives. Our research questions are: (i) “Do second chances help students to increase their performance over time in intensive courses?”; and (ii) “Are second chances effective in reducing stress/- mental load/weight of assessments in intensive courses?”. We find that (i) offering second chances on quizzes decreases the number of students at risk of failing before the first exam; (ii) students’ proficiency in coding tasks (as measured by exam grades) improve during the semester; and (iii) that our schedule reduces anxiety and mental load for students, but only after students take the first chance.
  • Air Drums, and Bass: Anticipating Musical Gestures in Accelerometer Signals with a Lightweight CNN
    (2023) Tavares, Tiago Fernandes; Bertoloto, Lucas
    Detecting gestures has often been performed using non-causal techniques such as Hidden Markov Models or pick-peaking and thresholding. They can present perceptible delay that harms their use in real-time scenarios, unless a very high sampling rate is used. In this work, we investigate a lightweight CNN-based neural network to predict and anticipate musical cues (i.e., drum hits or note onsets) from accelerometer signals. We show that our architecture is able to anticipate gestures using preparatory movements, such as raising the drumstick, thus being potentially usable in music- or gaming-related interactive devices.
  • Open Finance no Brasil: Levantamento de Desafios e Lições Aprendidas
    (2023) Targher, Roberto Magri; Larieira, Cláudio Luís Carvalho; Penha, Renato; Cernev, Adrian Kemmer
    Com as constantes e rápidas evoluções tecnológicas, as organizações enfrentam inúmeros desafios para manter sua competitividade em todos os setores. Segundo Murray-Rust (2008) surgiu um componente importante da ciência, o conceito de Open Data, que se refere a dados que podem ser livremente reutilizados e redistribuídos, permitindo o acesso, a reutilização e análise de dados. Neste contexto de abertura ao ecossistema digital e crescente integração, este artigo analisa o movimento conhecido como Open Finance, que significa "Sistema Financeiro Aberto" em português.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Active learning approaches applied in teaching agile methodologies
    We need to modernize education to form adaptable leaders who can tackle evolving challenges in our dynamic world. Insper's computer science program is designed to reflect this need with an innovative infrastructure, curriculum, and industry partnerships. We use active learning methodologies to teach agile methodologies and develop soft skills to solve real-world problems. Our focus is on non-violent communication, feedback techniques, and teamwork, along with constant interaction with industry professionals who share their experiences with students. Our goal is to provide students with a well-rounded education that equips them for success in the digital age. This work-in-progress research project describes our approach to teaching and our objective to prepare students for the future in the context of an innovative first semester experience on a CS program.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Unsupervised Improvement of Audio-Text Cross-Modal Representations
    (2023) Wang, Zhepei; Subakan, Cem; Subramani, Krishna; Wu, Junkai; TIAGO FERNANDES TAVARES; FABIO JOSE AYRES; Smaragdis, Paris
    Recent advances in using language models to obtain cross-modal audio-text representations have overcome the limitations of conventional training approaches that use predefined labels. This has allowed the community to make progress in tasks like zero-shot classification, which would otherwise not be possible. However, learning such representations requires a large amount of human-annotated audio-text pairs. In this paper, we study unsupervised approaches to improve the learning framework of such representations with unpaired text and audio. We explore domain-unspecific and domain-specific curation methods to create audio-text pairs that we use to further improve the model. We also show that when domain-specific curation is used in conjunction with a soft-labeled contrastive loss, we are able to obtain significant improvement in terms of zero-shot classification performance on downstream sound event classification or acoustic scene classification tasks.
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    Exploration and Rescue of Shipwreck Survivors using Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Drone Swarms
    (2023) Abreu, Leonardo D. M. de; Carrete, Luis F. S.; Castanares, Manuel; Damiani, Enrico F.; Brancalion, Jose Fernando B.; Barth, Fabrício J.
    The goal of this project is to create a reinforcement learning algorithm that locates shipwrecked individuals using a swarm of drones. A simulated environment was developed to train and visualize the outcome of the trained algorithm considering the ocean’s dynamic circumstances. This project does not discuss image recognition of shipwrecked people, since the true focus of this project is to optimize the search routine of a drone to find the target in the most efficient way possible. The implemented Reinforce algorithm takes into account a dynamic map of probabilities, representing the chances of a person being found, as well as the position of other agents. Outcomes include an open-source Python package for the environment and the implementation of the reinforcement learning algorithm. The algorithm demonstrates superiority over the predefined approach, proving the advantages of reinforcement learning in efficiency and effectiveness.
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    Game development learning with PBL approach as a tool to assess computer engineering competences
    (2023) Freme, Pedro H. E. P; Sanches, Thiago; LUCIANO PEREIRA SOARES
    This paper presents strategies for a Game Development course that aims to develop hard and soft skills in computer engineering students. There is a focus on soft skills that are considered essential for success in the 21st-century professional world. The design for this course is based on the Project-Based Learning approach, which allows students to explore different techniques and encourages creativity, while still having clear objectives and pre-defined milestones. The article discusses the use of continuous monitoring, peer assessments, and the Agile project approach to evaluate student progress and ensure that each student experiences different roles in project management.
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    Equality in the Economic Development of Cities
    (2022) Edward Glaeser
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Agile Business no mundo 4.0: implicações e desafios para a empresa familiar
    A tecnologia, a automação e a inteligência artificial revolucionaram tudo: formas, processos, métodos, necessidades e também a comunicação. Nesse mundo 4.0, o sucesso e sobrevivência das empresas passou a exigir mudanças disruptivas e “agilidade nos negócios”, com implicações no nível executivo, operacional e humano. Porém, tais transformações são possíveis apenas com a conscientização e adesão dos acionistas e o adequado posicionamento dos conselheiros. Ou seja, o “Agile Business” é um desafio de todos os vetores de governança, a partir do dono. O ajuste a este cenário exige entendimento, consciência, preparo, capacitação, olhar no futuro, parceria e cooperação, aspectos desafiantes e difíceis para a clássica “tradição” e “conservadorismo” das empresas familiares.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    ESG e jovens empresários nas empresas familiares
    Já está claro que não existe ‘longo prazo’ se não houver sustentabilidade. Ao assumir a gestão de empresas familiares a nova geração tem, cada vez mais, a missão de integrar e implementar critérios ESG. Para que as práticas que levam em consideração o meio ambiente e as pessoas permeiem todas as áreas da empresa e sejam efetivas, a governança é fundamental.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Política de Cotas e Ciclo Geracional de Pobreza uma análise comparativa entre cotistas e não cotistas egressos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa
    (2022) Manarini, Patrícia; ANA PAULA RODRIGUES DINIZ; Xavier, Wescley
    Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar se a política de cotas incide sobre o ciclo geracional de pobreza e, de modo mais específico, se possibilita mobilidade social de egressos cotistas. Com base neste objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa com 320 egressos que concluíram a graduação entre 2016 e 2021 na Universidade Federal de Viçosa. O trabalho é essencialmente quantitativo, com base em análises descritivas e testes não paramétricos que nos possibilitaram identificar diferenças existentes entre cotistas e não cotistas antes da entrada e após a conclusão da graduação. Como resultados, verificamos que a política de cotas é efetiva tanto no seu caráter redistributivo, contribuindo para a quebra do ciclo geracional de pobreza
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Governança e sucessão nas famílias do Agro
    O encontro abordou o setor do agronegócio brasileiro e sua evolução recente. Dentre os temas discutidos estavam a importância, as dificuldades e implicações da profissionalização e de uma adequada estruturação patrimonial, separando patrimônio e operação; de mecanismos de eficiência fiscal e societária e de mecanismos de saída do negócio.
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    Shedding Light on How Intelligent Techniques can Support Technical Debt Management and Influence Software Quality Attributes
    (2022) Albuquerque, Danyllo; GRAZIELA SIMONE TONIN; Chagas, Ferdinandy; Perkusich, Mirko; Guimaraes, Everton; Hyggo Almeida; Perkusich, Angelo
    Technical Debt (TD) is a consequence of decision-making in the development process that can negatively impact Software Quality Attributes (SQA) in the long term. Technical Debt Management (TDM) is a complex task to minimize TD that relies on a decision process based on multiple and heterogeneous data that are not straightforward to synthesize. Recent studies show that Intelligent Techniques can be a promising opportunity to support TDM activities since they explore data for knowledge discovery, reasoning, learning, or supporting decision-making. Although these techniques can improve TDM activities, there is a need to identify and analyze solutions based on Intelligent Techniques to support TDM activities and their impact on SQA. For doing so, a Systematic Mapping Study was performed, covering publications between 2010 and 2020. From 2276 extracted studies, we selected 111 unique studies. We found a positive trend in applying Intelligent Techniques to support TDM activities being Machine Learning and Reasoning Under Uncertainty the most recurrent ones. Design and Code were the most frequently investigated TD types. TDM activities supported by intelligent techniques impact different characteristics of SQA, mainly Maintainability, Reliability, and Security. Although the research area is up-and-coming, it is still in its infancy, and this study provides a baseline for future research.
  • Trabalho de Evento
    Pair Teaching in Computer Graphics
    Computer Graphics is a course commonly found on Computer Science and Computer Engineering undergraduate programs. There are some convenient points on teaching computer graphics in these programs: Computer-Generated Imagery in movies and videogames are relevant examples of applied engineering and science that students experience in their lives, and this can be a potential motivation factor for students to get engaged on learning; furthermore, Computer Graphics relies on several fundamental and complex mathematical concepts, that can also be applied in other science areas, being an opportune moment to cover and practice mathematical learning goals, all connected with a base on computer science. Learning Computer Graphics depends on developing and integrating skills on computer science and mathematics, therefore, a learning plan must cover both topics. However, it must be considered that students need to relate these topics, and this is the trick, since ideally professors need the knowledge and pedagogy in both areas. The strategy presented in this document was based on two professors, one mathematician and one computer engineering, planning, and teaching an elective undergraduate course on Computer Graphics. The course was based on active learning strategies by design, heavily focused on Project Based Learning through three projects starting from scratch, each week learning and implementing new features on the projects. Students must program in regular programming languages like Python, C++ and Javascript, and build up their competence in mathematics from basic math concepts. As a result, students were able to develop a scanline renderer, and a ray-tracing renderer without any graphical Application Programming Interface and finally a 3D web application based on ThreeJS. Although students had a perception of a demanding course, they were engaged on proposed activities during all semester, and were able to implement all important features on projects, often above expectation, showing evidence that learning objectives were achieved.